
By juniper

Updated about 8 years ago

SaltStack packaged with Juniper libraries



SaltStack Docker Containers for Junos

Build Status

This project has been designed to help you to get started easily with SaltStack on Junos. In this project you'll find:

  • A docker container with all SaltStack and all Junos Libraries
  • Make script to easily start, stop and clean any number of docker containers
  • A Use-Case with SaltStack Engine to collect Syslog from Junos and convert them into Events in SaltStack
  • A Use-Case with SaltStack Beacon to monitor a Junos string in a file and convert it into Event in SaltStack

Table of Content

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Getting Started / 'Hello World' with Engine

1- Define Proxies

Define uc-engine/pillar/top.sls for example:

root@host# cat uc-engine/pillar/top.sls

    - proxy01

and associate under uc-engine/pillar/:

root@host# cat uc-engine/pillar/proxy01.sls

   proxytype: junos
   username: admin
   passwd: juniper1

2- Start Salt Master, Engine and Proxies Automatically

Under the main directory execute:

root@host# make master-start


#make clean will not work if starting docker like that

root@host# docker run -d juniper/saltstack salt-master -l debug

Note: Proxies are getting automatically started within the Salt Master Engine

3- Verify

Verify that saltmaster-engine is running:

root@host# docker ps 

4- Access Salt Master Shell

root@host# make master-shell

5- (optional) Verify Proxy is running

Check if proxy01 is running under the saltmaster-engine

root@saltmaster-engine# ps -ef | grep proxy01


  • Damien Garros
  • Iddo Cohen
  • Nitin Kumar
  • Stephen Steiner

Known Issues

  • urllib3\util\ - 'SNIMissingWarning, InsecurePlatform' Warnings: Solution is to upgrade Python from 2.7.6 to 2.7.9 or pip install pyOpenSSL ndg-httpsclient pyasn1. Please note it does not effect salt-master, salt-minion or salt-proxy, in their functionality.
  • Currently netconf port 830 must be open on the Junos device Solution is to set system services netconf ssh. Please note an option for using port 22 is being added.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull juniper/saltstack

This image was archived 2 months ago