
By jupyterhub

Updated 24 days ago

single-user docker images for use with JupyterHub and DockerSpawner see also: jupyter/docker-stacks

Data Science
Integration & Delivery
Machine Learning & AI



Built from the jupyter/base-notebook base image.

This image contains a single user notebook server for use with JupyterHub. In particular, it is meant to be used with the DockerSpawner class to launch user notebook servers within docker containers.

The only thing this image accomplishes is pinning the jupyterhub version on top of base-notebook. In most cases, one of the Jupyter docker-stacks is a better choice. You will just have to make sure that you have the right version of JupyterHub installed in your image, which can usually be accomplished with one line:

FROM jupyter/base-notebook:5ded1de07260
RUN pip3 install jupyterhub==0.7.2

The dockerfile that builds this image exposes BASE_IMAGE and JUPYTERHUB_VERSION as build args, so you can do:

docker build -t singleuser \
  --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=jupyter/scipy-notebook \
  --build-arg JUPYTERHUB_VERSION=0.8.0 \

in this directory to get a new image singleuser that is based on jupyter/scipy-notebook with JupyterHub 0.8, for example.

This particular image runs as the jovyan user, with home directory at /home/jovyan.

Note on persistence

This home directory, /home/jovyan, is not persistent by default, so some configuration is required unless the directory is to be used with temporary or demonstration JupyterHub deployments.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull jupyterhub/singleuser