Docker file and auto building of simple-nuget-server (https://github.com/Daniel15/simple-nuget-server)
# install docker https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/
curl https://get.docker.com | sh
# run
docker run --name docker-simple-nuget-server \
-e 'NUGET_API_KEY=e46c582041db4cbe86a84b76a374383a' \
-e 'NUGET_HOST=nuget.myhostname.com' \
-p 8083:80 \
If you run traefik you can add the following docker compose and it will allow you to add some basic auth to the service.
container_name: "nugetserver"
image: "rolfwessels/docker-simple-nuget-server"
restart: unless-stopped
NUGET_API_KEY: "{{ nuget_api_key }}"
NUGET_HOST: "nuget.{{ mon_url }}"
- /data/nuget/database:/app/db
- /data/nuget/packages:/app/packagefiles
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:nuget.{{ mon_url }}"
# add this for some basic auth settings
- "traefik.frontend.auth.basic={{ nuget_basic_auth }}"
Allow host override
The api key override
Allowes forcing https
Run the following command in the folder where your sln file is.
./.nuget/nuget sources Add -Name "myhostname" -Source https://nuget.myhostname.com -ConfigFile NuGet.Config
If you have traefic with basic auth setup
./.nuget/nuget sources Add -Name "myhostname" -Source https://nuget.myhostname.com -UserName user -Password xxxxxxx -ConfigFile nuget.config
# install docker https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/
curl https://get.docker.com | sh
# to build the image
sh docker_build.sh
# to run the image for debugging
sh docker_run.sh
#on windows machine
test.cmd e46c582041db4cbe86a84b76a374383a
I tried https://github.com/sunsided/docker-nuget but had issues with the base url. Unfortuately this repo is not being maintained and I was unable to get it up and running again.
docker pull kamu/docker-simple-nuget-server