Base image for Kasm Workspaces with 3D GPU Acceleration for compatible Nvidia based GPUs.
Kasm Workspaces is a docker container streaming platform that enables you to deliver browser-based access to desktops, applications, and web services. Kasm uses a modern DevOps approach for programmatic delivery of services via Containerized Desktop Infrastructure (CDI) technology to create on-demand, disposable, docker containers that are accessible via web browser. The rendering of the graphical-based containers is powered by the open-source project KasmVNC
Kasm Workspaces was developed to meet the most demanding secure collaboration requirements that is highly scalable, customizable, and easy to maintain. Most importantly, Kasm provides a solution, rather than a service, so it is infinitely customizable to your unique requirements and includes a developer API so that it can be integrated with, rather than replace, your existing applications and workflows. Kasm can be deployed in the cloud (Public or Private), on-premise (Including Air-Gapped Networks), or in a hybrid configuration.
A self-guided on-demand demo is available at kasmweb.com
The Kasm team publishes applications and desktop images for use inside the platform. More information, including source can be found in the Images Documentation
This image contains a browser-accessible version of Ubuntu Focal Desktop with GPU Acceleration. Requires a compatible Nvidia
While this image is primarily built to run inside the Kasm platform, it can also be executed manually. Please note that certain functionality, such as audio, uploads, downloads, and microphone pass-through, is only available within the Kasm platform.
sudo docker run --rm -it --shm-size=512m -p 6901:6901 -e VNC_PW=password kasmweb/<image>:<tag>
The container is now accessible via a browser : https://<IP>:6901
Images are built and tagged along with the release of Kasm Workspaces (e.g 1.10.0
). Utilize the version that corresponds to your version of Kasm Workspaces.
Rolling tags are images that are updated and built nightly (e.g 1.10.0-rolling
). Kasm Workspaces administrators may consider using these rolling images to ensure their systems are always up to date.
The develop tag is meant for testers and provides no expectation of compatibility with current release of Kasm Workspaces
Platform Documentation
Documentation: Instructions for installing and configuring Kasm Workspaces
Reporting Issues
GitHub: Report an issue with Kasm Workspaces
Creating Custom Kasm Images
Documentation: Info on configuring custom images and installing software.
Workspaces Images: Repository for default Workspaces Docker Images
Workspaces Images Core: Repository for default Core Workspaces Docker Images
GitHub: Kasm’s Open Source VNC server: browser-based, secure, high-performance.
docker pull kasmweb/core-nvidia-focal