
By khaosdoctor

Updated about 4 years ago



Go Vote API Prometheus Exporter

A Prometheus exporter for the Go Vote API example


This image needs a few environment variables:

  • SCRAPE_PORT: The port where the scraped application will be serving the metrics to be scraped (8080 in the example app)
  • SCRAPE_URL: The base URL where the metrics are being served (e.g http://myapi)
  • SCRAPE_PATH: The URL path that should be queried (e.g total)

The application will join these envs and scrape SCRAPE_URL:SCRAPE_PORT/SCRAPE_PATH.

Optionally you can define POLLING_INTERVAL_MS, which defaults to 5000. Set it to 0 to disable the automatic polling.

docker rum -p 9837:9837 -e SCRAPE_URL="http://api" --link scraped_container_name:api -e SCRAPE_PORT=8080 -e SCRAPE_PATH=total khaosdoctor/go-vote-api-exporter
  • The application will serve the metrics on port 9837
  • It'll try to infer the hostname from the HOSTNAME and POD_NAME env variables to add as labels

Docker Pull Command

docker pull khaosdoctor/go-vote-api-exporter