
By kimai

Updated 4 days ago

Official repo for

Content Management System


Kimai - the #1 Open-Source time-tracker

We provide a set of docker images for the Kimai time-tracking application (Github). Use the SaaS version if you prefer a system that is hosted for you.

Available tags

Please read the documentation before choosing a tag:

  • kimai/kimai2:apache: the latest Kimai version bundled in an Apache container
  • kimai/kimai2:fpm: the latest Kimai version bundled in PHP-FPM Alpine container
  • kimai/kimai2:latest: same as kimai/kimai2:fpm
  • kimai/kimai2:dev: development image based on Apache (not for production!)

Quick start

Run the latest production build:

  1. Start a DB

        docker run --rm --name kimai-mysql-testing \
            -e MYSQL_DATABASE=kimai \
            -e MYSQL_USER=kimai \
            -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=kimai \
            -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=kimai \
            -p 3399:3306 -d mysql
  2. Start Kimai

        docker run --rm --name kimai-test \
            -ti \
            -p 8001:8001 \
            -e DATABASE_URL=mysql://kimai:kimai@host.docker.internal:3399/kimai \
            --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
  3. Add a user using the terminal

        docker exec -ti kimai-test \
            /opt/kimai/bin/console \
            kimai:user:create admin ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN

Now, you can access the Kimai instance at http://localhost:8001.

Note: If you're using Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac, and you're getting "Connection refused" or other errors, you might need to change ${HOSTNAME} to host.docker.internal. This is because the Kimai Docker container can only communicate within its network boundaries. Alternatively, you can start the container with the flag --network="host". See here for more information.

Keep in mind that this Docker setup is transient and the data will disappear when you remove the containers.

    docker stop kimai-mysql-testing kimai-test
    docker rm kimai-mysql-testing kimai-test


We have further documentation, also on topics like Docker, Docker-Compose and Kubernetes available.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kimai/kimai2