
By kiwigrid

Updated almost 2 years ago

Docker image for the trinity of gcloud, kubectl and helm.




Docker image for the quaternity of gcloud, helm, kubectl and SOPS.

Docker PullsDocker Automated build

  • latest latest build from master
  • tag releated git-tag (acutally the version of packed HELM client and gcloud, e.g. 2.10.0-217.0.0)


With CGP Service Account and key file

Passing script with multiple commands

docker run -v /path/to/your/ kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm

Passing script and GCP key-file

docker run -v /path/to/your/ -volume /path/to/your/key-file.json:/data/gcp-key-file.json:ro kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm

Interactive usage with your personal GCP Account

docker run -ti -v /path/to/your/workspace:/data/ kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm bash
# authenticate and paste token
$ gcloud auth application-default login

# setup kubectl context
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials

# run helm
$ helm install release /data/your/chart -f values.yaml
# or with sops encrypted secrets file
$ helm secrets install release /data/your/chart -f values.yaml -f secrets.myapp.yaml

CI/CD context

Using this image from a CI/CD pipeline is very handy. It's recommended to start the container at the beginning of your pipeline. Afterwards one can pass single commands to running container.

# Start container
docker run \
  --volume /path/to/your/workdir:/workspace:ro \
  --workdir /workspace
  --volume /path/to/your/gcp-key-file.json:/data/gcp-key-file.json:ro \
  --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/data/gcp-key-file.json
  --rm \
  -t \
  --name $CONTAINER_NAME \
  kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm:latest /bin/bash

# Execute arbitrary commands
docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/data/gcp-key-file.json
docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME gcloud config set project my-gcp-project-id
docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-gke-cluster --project my-gcp-project-id --zone my-gke-zone

docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME helm list
docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe my-deployment

# Kill
docker kill $CONTAINER_NAME

Command file examples

Authorize access to GCP with a service account and fetch credentials for running cluster

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/data/gcp-key-file.json
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <clusterName> --project <projectId> [--region=<region> | --zone=<zone>]

helm list
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Import GPG Keys

To import public GPG keys from keyserver, add them space separated to GPG_PUB_KEYS env variable.

docker run -e GPG_PUB_KEYS=<key id>   kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm:latest

Add distributed Helm Chart Repositories

To include adding of distributed helm chart repos, add REPO_YAML_URL as env variable. E.g.

docker run -e REPO_YAML_URL= kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm:latest


This repo is inspired by

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kiwigrid/gcloud-kubectl-helm