
By klokantech

Updated over 5 years ago

OpenStreetMap Maps with API for Leaflet, OpenLayers, WMS, WMTS, GIS and Mapbox SDKs



No longer maintained!

Use MapTiler Server (https://www.maptiler.com/server/) instead.

Maps powered by OpenStreetMap data - ready to use in your products, mobile apps and websites. Easy to deploy on your server. Scalable simply by duplicating the container and the data volume.

Launch this container from Kitematic or with shell command:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/openmaptiles-server

Visit the web interface at http://localhost:8080/ and follow the web wizard.

  • Choose to download the preprocessed data for the whole planet, a country or a city
  • Select design of the map from prepared map styles (Bright, Basic, Positron and Dark Matter) or supply your own
  • Select language of the map and services
  • Raster vector static a map services

In a few moments, you have detailed street maps with houses, cities, roads, highways and land use data - perfect as background maps for your online application.

This software helps to serve the OpenMapTiles.com vector tiles which should be licensed for commercial use.

The maps can be opened in standard JavaScript map clients such as Leaflet, OpenLayers, or ArcGIS for JavaScript - and used where traditional XYZ map tiles URL is supported.

HighDPI / Retina tiles are available out-of-the-box - just append @2x to the URL to raster map tiles!

The server provides also endpoint with Static Maps API - for printing and generating thumbnails of selected geographical area at a specified export size.

Standardised map services (OGC WMS, OGCS WMTS) for use in geospatial information systems (GIS) such as ArcGIS and QGIS are supported out of the box.

All open-source Mapbox SDKs are supported as well - serve the vector tiles to Android and iOS mobile applications, Unity, Mapbox GL JS.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull klokantech/openmaptiles-server