
By koduki

Updated almost 5 years ago

This is a template of Docker for Cucumber with Chrome-headless.




This is a template of Docker for Cucumber with Chrome-headless.

Cucumber is a tool that supports Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD).


This project supports Chrome-headless with Selenium(WebDriver). So you can execute e2e testing by actual web browser.

DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/koduki/cucumber/


The most simple exection is following.

$ ./qcmb

If you need HTML report, you can use below command.

$ ./qcmb --format html --out report/index.html 

When test is failed, Screenshot is caputured automatically to HTML report.

Other options

Usage: qcmb [help|clean] [options]
    qcmb help
    qcmb clean
    qcmb --Xheadless=false --format html --out report/index.html 

--Xheadless[true|false] It should be 'false', if no-headless is required for debug.
--{cucumber options}

GUI mode for debug

Basically, docker is only support CLI. And chrome-headless is the best option for CI/CD. But some time you may wont to use GUI mode for debug.

You can realize it for docker with X11 forwarding.

Preparation for Mac

Install X11 and proxy

$ brew install socat
$ brew cask install xquartz

Eexcute xquartz and open Xteam on xquartz.

open -a XQuartz 

Add permision and exec proxy on Xteam.

$ xhost + 
$ socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/tmp/.X11-unix/X0

Execute qcmb with --Xheadless=false option.

$ qcmb --Xheadless=false

Docker Pull Command

docker pull koduki/cucumber