
Verified Publisher

By Kong Inc.

Updated 3 days ago

Inso CLI on Docker



Inso CLI on Docker

Docker version of the CLI for Insomnia


See the open-source Inso CLI documentation.

Quickstart guide

Pull kong/inso

Pull the latest kong/inso Docker image:

docker pull kong/inso:latest

All available tags can be found on Inso-CLI's Docker Hub page.

Run Inso CLI commands

To run Insomnia specs in kong/inso container, mount the specs folder on your host machine to a /var/temp folder in the container. See the following sections for some examples.


Mount git sync repo

Mount an Insomnia git sync repository folder to a folder in the container:

cd <your-git-sync-repo-folder>

# Run Unit Tests
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/var/temp kong/inso:latest run test -w /var/temp

# Generate Kong Declarative config
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/var/temp kong/inso:latest generate config -w /var/temp -f json

Mount Application Data folder

Mount the Insomnia Application Data folder:

# On macOS:
docker run -v $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Insomnia:/var/temp -it --rm kong/inso:latest run test --src /var/temp

# On Linux:
docker run -v $HOME/.config/Insomnia:/var/temp -it --rm kong/inso:latest run test --src /var/temp

# On Windows (using Docker for Windows and WSL):
docker run -v /mnt/c/Users/<your_username>/AppData/Roaming/Insomnia:/var/temp -it --rm kong/inso:latest run test --src /var/temp

Mount v4 export folder

Mount the folder where you keep an Insomnia v4 export:

cd <some-folder>

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/var/temp kong/inso:latest run test -w /var/temp/Insomnia_YYYY-MM-DD.json

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kong/inso