
By kosdk

Updated about 3 years ago

Chocolatey Mono container for Building Packages from Linux.



Build Chocolatey Packages from a Linux Docker container.

This is a optimized container that contains only the necessary dependencies to perform the following commands:

  • pack
  • push
  • new

It does not contain the dependencies required to search or install as these defeat the purpose of this container.

This is built from the Chocolatey source files, due to this a message mentioning that this is not an official build will be displayed on the command line. This is expected behaviour as this is built using Mono.

Image Variants

This repository comes in two flavours.

kosdk/choco:<chocover> or kosdk/choco:latest

The main variant that installs Chocolatey.

You can access a bash shell using the following command

docker run -it kosdk/choco:latest /bin/bash

To use Chocolatey use the choco command.

kosdk/choco:<chocover>-<psver> or kosdk/choco:ps

This variant is the same as above except it also has PowerShell Core installed into the container.

You can access a PowerShell using the following command

docker run -it kosdk/choco:ps pwsh

To use PowerShell use the pwsh command.

Note that the PowerShell container has less platforms due to the available releases of PowerShell Core.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kosdk/choco