
By kosdk

Updated about 3 years ago

DuckDNS DNS Updater Image for Linux.



DuckDNS DNS Updater

This container will keep the specified domains on DuckDNS updated.

Supported on all platforms that are supported by alpine:latest.

You can view the Github Repository for more information


The base of this script was modified from blaize/docker-dynamic-dns. The implementation was outdated for DuckDNS so I rewrote the shell script based on information documented at DuckDNS specs page and compiled for multiple architectures.

WARNING: This script also does an IPv6 check before each update to DuckDNS. You might get throttled if your interval is set too low. A failure message will appear if your connection does not support IPv6 but the container will continue to update any domains IPv4 address.


There are 5 environment variables for configuration. Bold items are required.

TOKENtextDuckDNS access token
DOMAINStextComma separated list of domains to update
IPipaddressSet the IP address for the domains
IP6ipaddressSet the IPv6 address for the domains
INTERVALnumberTime in minutes to update

You can suffix _FILE to all the environment variable names above to read these values from a file (secrets).

  • If the INTERVAL is not set or set to 0 the container will stop when it has updated the IP address.
  • The IPv4 and IPv6 will be autodetected unless specified.
  • The Domain list does not require the .duckdns.org part of the domain.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kosdk/duckdns