
By kosdk

Updated over 5 years ago

RTL-SDR TCP Server for Hosting RTL-SDR Dongles in Docker Containers.



RTL-SDR TCP Server Container for RTL-SDR Dongles.

Environmental Variables

The environment variables allow you to override the RTL-TCP settings. The default settings should suffice in most instances.

DEVICEDevice Index Default 0
LISTEN_IPThe Interface to listen on
GAINThe gain level Default 0 (Auto)
BUFFERSNumber of buffers Default Set by Library
LiST_BUFFERSThe number of linked list buffers to keep Default 500
PPM_ERRORFrequency offset for Dongle
FREQUENCYFrequency to tune to
SAMPLE_RATESample Rate Default 2048000 Hz

Running the Container

Note: Container Requires Privileged Mode and Device Mapping to expose the RTL-SDR Dongles to the Docker Container.

For example:

docker run -it --privileged  --device=/dev/ttyAMA0 --name RTL-TCP -p 1234:1234 kosdk/rtl-tcp:latest

Will run the container and expose the RTL-SDR dongle labelled /dev/ttyAMA0. You can do ls /dev on the Host Machine to find the dongle(s) - they are usually named ttyUSBx or ttyAMAx (where x is a number).

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kosdk/rtl-tcp