
By kosdk

Updated about 3 years ago

Web Service Discovery Daemon image.



A container for Linux systems running samba, so that Windows 10 version 1511 or higher will display the host in the Network folder. The WSDD script is from this repo: https://github.com/christgau/wsdd

Environment Variables

Passes configuration to the wsdd.py script. For details, see the repository.

VariableData TypeDescriptionError
HOST_NAMEStringOverride the host name wsdd uses during discovery. By default the machine's host name is used (look at hostname(1)). Only the host name part of a possible FQDN will be used in the default case.Exit Code 10 when invalid host name.
WORKGROUPStringBy default wsdd reports the host is a member of a workgroup rather than a domain (use the -d/--domain option to override this). With -w/--workgroup the default workgroup name can be changed. The default work group name is WORKGROUP.Exit Code 15 when invalid workgroup name.
DOMAINStringAssume that the host running wsdd joined an ADS domain. This will make wsdd report the host being a domain member. It disables workgroup membership reporting.Exit Code 15 when invalid domain name.
PRESERVE_CASEBooleanPreserve the hostname as it is. Without this option, the hostname is converted as follows. For workgroup environments (see -w) the hostname is made upper case by default. Vice versa it is made lower case for usage in domains (see -d).
NO_HTTPBooleanDo not service http requests of the WSD protocol. This option is intended for debugging purposes where another process may handle the Get messages.
NO_SERVERBooleanDisable host operation mode which is enabled by default. The host will not be discovered by WSD clients when this flag is provided.
IP4_ONLYBooleanRestrict to the given address family. If both options are specified no addresses will be available and wsdd will exit.
IP6_ONLYBooleanRestrict to the given address family. If both options are specified no addresses will be available and wsdd will exit.
HOP_LIMITNumberSet the hop limit for multicast packets. The default is 1 which should prevent packets from leaving the local network segment.Exit Code 20 when not a number.
DISCOVERY_MODEBooleanEnable discovery mode to search for other WSD hosts/servers. Found servers are printed to stdout with INFO priority. The server interface (see -l option) can be used for a programatic interface.
UUIDUUIDThe WSD specification requires a device to have a unique address that is stable across reboots or changes in networks. In the context of the standard, it is assumed that this is something like a serial number. wsdd uses the UUID version 5 with the DNS namespace and the host name of the local machine as inputs. Thus, the host name should be stable and not be modified.Exit Code 30 when not a valid UUID.

Boolean variables can be set to anything (non-empty) to use the selected option.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kosdk/wsdd