Dockerfiles for CPython of lysnikolaou's tag-strings-rebased branch.
This directory contains Dockerfiles for CPython of lysnikolaou's tstrings branch.
The dockerfile were generated with a patched version of the official dockerfile code generator. The patched code generator and Dockerfiles exist in Koudai's(@koxudaxi) repository is fork on the official Python Dockerfile repository.
All images are available on Docker Hub. These images are built and published on GitHub Actions (and Old GitHub Actions)
$ docker pull koxudaxi/python:3.14.0a1-alpine3.20
$ docker run -it --rm koxudaxi/python:3.14.0a1-alpine3.20
Python 3.14.0a1+ (heads/tstrings:499d70c, Oct 21 2024, 19:13:41) [GCC 13.2.1 20240309] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from templatelib import Template, Interpolation
>>> name = "World"
>>> template = t"Hello {name}"
>>> assert isinstance(template.args[0], str)
>>> assert isinstance(template.args[1], Interpolation)
>>> assert template.args[0] == "Hello "
>>> assert template.args[1].value == "World"
$ make build # default base image is alpine3.20
$ make build BASE_IMAGE=slim-bookworm # base image is debian:bookworm-slim
$ make build-all # build all base images
docker pull koxudaxi/python