
By kuberdock

Updated almost 9 years ago

This is a fork of official Postgres image with optional support for automatic memory configuration.



This is the fork of official image for postgres. The difference is an optional auto memory configuration feature: Define environment variable for the container PG_AUTO_MEMORY_CONFIG=yes and if there is a memory limit for the container, then will be created additional configuration file $PGDATA/auto_memory_config.conf. It defines max_connections, shared_buffers. effective_cache_size parameters according to memory limit in the container.

About this Repo

This is the Git repo of the Docker official image for postgres. See the Docker Hub page for the full readme on how to use this Docker image and for information regarding contributing and issues.

The full readme is generated over in docker-library/docs, specificially in docker-library/docs/postgres.

See a change merged here that doesn't show up on the Docker Hub yet? Check the "library/postgres" manifest file in the docker-library/official-images repo, especially PRs with the "library/postgres" label on that repo. For more information about the official images process, see the docker-library/official-images readme.

Travis CI

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kuberdock/postgres