
By kubeshop

Updated 1 day ago

Testkube CLI Docker image



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Welcome to Testkube!

Testkube decouples test orchestration and execution from your CI/CD/GitOps tooling and provides a centralized platform for running any kind of tests at scale across your entire application infrastructure.

Testkube breaks down Test Execution into 5 steps:

  1. Define - Use Test Workflows to configure executions of your current testing tools or scripts. Orchestrate multiple Workflows to build complex Suites for System Testing - Read More.
  2. Trigger - Trigger tests through the API/CLI, from your existing CI/CD/GitOps workflows, using fixed schedules or by listening to Kubernetes Events or creating execution CRDs - Read More.
  3. Scale - Leverage Kubernetes native scalability functionality to scale your test executions across distributed nodes for both load and functional testing with popular tools like K6, Playwright, JMeter and Cypress - Read More.
  4. Troubleshoot - Testkube can collect any logs and artifacts (videos, reports, etc.) produced by your testing tools and scripts during test execution and make these available through the CLI or UI - Read More.
  5. Report - Testkube Test Insights allow you to create both operational and functional reports for all your test executions to help you improve testing efforts and activities over time - Read More.
Getting Started

There are several ways to get started with Testkube:

Check out the Deployment Architectures document to learn more about different ways to deploy and run Testkube.


Extensive documentation is available at docs.testkube.io.


Shout-out to our contributors 🎉 - you're great!

Go to contribution document to read more how can you help us 🔥


Whether it helps you or not - we'd LOVE to hear from you. Please let us know what you think and of course, how we can make it better Please join our growing community on Slack.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull kubeshop/testkube-cli