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By Harvard Medical School

Updated 1 day ago

Data Science
Machine Learning & AI



ImageJ BaSiC shading correction for use with Ashlar

Running as a Docker container

Create a container:

docker run -it -v /path/to/data:/data labsyspharm/basic-illumination bash

where /path/to/data is the data directory on your local machine. Your data will be mapped to /data inside the container.

Once inside the container, do ls /data to ensure your data is there, followed by

ImageJ-linux64 --ij2 --headless --run \

for each input.ome.tiff in your data directory.

(Note that the trailing \ on the first line is necessary to break the command up across multiple lines. When writing the command on a single line, the \ should be removed to avoid parse errors.)

Docker Pull Command

docker pull labsyspharm/basic-illumination