
Verified Publisher

By Lacework Inc

Updated about 6 years ago

This container allows for companies to configure their Azure accounts with the Lacework service.

Integration & Delivery


Lacework is cloud security for AWS, Azure, GCP and other public and private cloud. This container allows for companies to quickly configure their Azure accounts with the Lacework service.

Lacework analyzes and assesses your Azure cloud configuration for security in general. Lacework gives you visibility into configuration items that are not in compliance with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark or represent a security weakness. Security alerts are automatically generated on audited items where your configuration is out of compliance. Security best practices, as defined in the CIS Benchmark, include: • Multifactor authentication (MFA) • Configuration of security groups • Access controls based on rules not individual policies • Rotation of keys • Tracking of users with administrative privileges

With the correct permissions granted, once run, Lacework will automatically run checks against your Azure configuration for compliance and security threats.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lacework/azure-cfg-cli