Official docker image for LambdaTest tunnel
Official docker image for LambdaTest tunnel.
You need username and accesskey to connect lambdatest tunnel. If you already have an account you can visit here to fetch your credentails. If you haven't then please signup here
The entrypoint of the image is set to the tunnel binary with no extra arguments. Run the image without any arguments to see the help text.
This image supports all the tunnel modifier flags available in the tunnel command line binary, and passes them as it is to the entry point.
docker run -it lambdatest/tunnel:latest --version
docker run -it lambdatest/tunnel:latest --help
docker run -it --name lt lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user johndoe --key XXXXXXXXXXXX
Capturing logs in mounted volume on host machine
docker run -it -v /mydir:/logs lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user joendoe --key XXXXXXXX --logFile /logs/tunnel.log
Using info api on tunnel to fetch tunnel status and stop tunnel
Info API will be available on the host over port 13001.
curl -X GET
can be used to probe the tunnel status andcurl -X DELETE
to stop tunnel.
docker run -it -p 13001:8000 lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user johndoe --key XXXXXXX --infoAPIPort 8000
Using Proxy running on host machine at port 8082 having foo and bar as username and key
docker run -it lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user johndoe --key XXXXXXX --proxy-host host.docker.internal --proxy-port 8082 --proxy-user foo --proxy-pass bar
Using Proxy running on another docker container within same default bridge network
Assuming the container in which proxy is running has IP The IP can be found from inside of the container or by inspecting the network to which container is attached
docker run -it lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user johndoe --key XXXXXXX --proxy-host --proxy-port 8082 --proxy-user foo --proxy-pass bar
Using Proxy running on another docker container within same custom
bridge network
When you create custom network, containers can reach each other using container names due to automatic service discovery. Assuming that
already exists and container named proxy-service has a proxy server running
docker run -it lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user johndoe --key XXXXXXX --proxy-host proxy-service --proxy-port 8082 --proxy-user foo --proxy-pass bar
docker build -t <build name> <cloned directory>
By default LambdaTest tunnel can no longer access webapps running on host machines or other docker containers using localhost or when you run it using docker container. This means that the test scripts needs to be modified in the way they accesses the target webapp, according to the docker network topology and host operating system.
On linux, containers can run in a special network mode called host
. This network mode makes the container use host's network stack and doesn't create an isolated one for the containers.
Running the following command makes tunnel container run with host networking and can access host's network. The test scripts can access services running on host machine using localhost
docker run -it --network host lambdatest/tunnel:latest --user johndoe --key XXXXXXXXXXXX
Mac and Windows
Unfortunately, on both mac and windows, host networking mode is not available due to the implementation of docker machine. The recommended approach to access services on host machine is to use a special host name host.docker.internal
which resolves to the host machine. You can find more details on these links: mac, windows
The test scripts need to use this special hostname in order to access the webservices running on the host machine.
The idomatic way of testing on docker infra is to create a custom bridge network and access services using their container names. This method works on all operating systems
LambdaTest is a cloud based selenium grid infrastructure that can help you run automated cross browser compatibility tests on 2000+ different browser and operating system environments. LambdaTest supports all programming languages and frameworks that are supported with Selenium, and have easy integrations with all popular CI/CD platforms. It's a perfect solution to bring your selenium automation testing to cloud based infrastructure that not only helps you increase your test coverage over multiple desktop and mobile browsers, but also allows you to cut down your test execution time by running tests on parallel.
Licensed under the MIT license.
docker pull lambdatest/tunnel