Docker CLI Command to generate sqlite3 database files from .dbml schemas
This tool aims to simplify the workflow of generating sqlite3 databases. It uses the DBML file format for schema generation to make creating schemas easy and to also benefit from its graphical editor functionality for easier diagram generation! It also allows exchangability between database content and a directory of csv files.
Find it on Github, and Dockerhub
You will need access to Docker, otherwise there is no setup necessary. See their install instructions.
d types.Write the following schema.db to a file. This is mostly identical to the example in except with modifications for one to many relations.
Table users {
id integer [primary key]
username varchar
role varchar
created_at timestamp
Table posts {
id integer [primary key]
title varchar
body text [note: 'Content of the post']
user_id integer
status varchar
created_at timestamp
Table follows {
following_user_id integer [ref: -]
followed_user_id integer [ref: -]
created_at timestamp
// A one-to-many relationship between users and posts
Table users_otm_posts {
id integer [primary key]
user_id integer [ref: -]
post_id integer [ref: -]
![]() |
Diagram generated from using the above code |
Now let's generate a sqlite3 db file using the above schema.dbml (On Windows CMD, you need to remove the "--user $(id -u):$(id -g)" bit.)
docker run --rm -it -v .:/mnt/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) lan22h/dbmint:latest gen schema.dbml -o mydb.db
This should generate a new mydb.db for us in the same directory, which has the same schema as described in schema.dbml.
It also generates a .sql from the dbml schema for the user's information. If this is not desired, use the --no-sql option for the gen subcommand:
docker run --rm -it -v .:/mnt/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) lan22h/dbmint:latest gen schema.dbml -o mydb.db --no-sql
Now that we have a database like mydb.db, we can edit this with any SQLite3 client like DbGate.
Let's extract the content of the db with the following command:
docker run --rm -it -v .:/mnt/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) lan22h/dbmint:latest export_data mydb.db -d mydata/
Now this generates a directory mydata/
with csv files for each table in our db. We can modify the csv files directly
and then import this back into the db:
docker run --rm -it -v .:/mnt/ --user $(id -u):$(id -g) lan22h/dbmint:latest gen schema.dbml -d mydata/ -o mydb.db
All contribution and feature requests are welcome. Please raise an issue and we can talk about anything.
docker pull lan22h/dbmint