
By landoop

Updated almost 8 years ago

A Kafka producer for AIS messages.



A docker image that generates AIS data into a kafka topic.

A sample run could be:

docker run --rm -it --net=host landoop/ais-generator \
    -messages 100000000 \
    -rate 25000 \
    -jitter 5000 \
    -bootstrap-servers broker1:9092,broker2:9092
    -schema-registry http://schema.registry:8081

The generator specifically produces Class A Position Reports. It includes a real world recording of about 275000 such reports and rolls over once it send them all.

The produce process follows a normal distribution with mean=rate and stddev=jitter. Thus if you set jitter=0 (default) you get a stable rate.

The reason we distribute it as a docker image is the librdkafka bindings for Go, which make it non-trivial to build and use properly.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull landoop/ais-generator