Base docker image to run a Tomcat application server
To create the image lastbackend/tomcat
, execute the following command on the lb-docker-tomcat folder:
docker build -t lastbackend/tomcat .
To run the image and bind to port :
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=tomcat lastbackend/tomcat
The first time that you run your container, a new random password will be set. To get the password, check the logs of the container by running:
docker logs <CONTAINER_ID>
You will see an output like the following:
------------------------------- TOMCAT -----------------------------
+-++-+ admin:XFW5bkC8oADB0sJIB4awDupQ
| LB |
+-++-+ Please remember to change the above password!
In this case, XFW5bkC8oADB0sJIB4awDupQ
is the password allocated to the admin
You can now login to you admin console to configure your tomcat server:
If you want to use a preset password instead of a random generated one, you can
set the environment variable PASS
to your specific password when running the container:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e PASS="mypass" lastbackend/tomcat
------------------------------ TOMCAT -----------------------------
| LB | <user>:<mypass>
If you want to disable password authentication, you can set PASS
to **None**
You can now test your deployment:
docker pull lastbackend/tomcat