
By lexso

Updated 9 months ago

CouchDB-like message broker written in Go

Message Queues



👋 Welcome to Limero!

Limero is a CouchDB-like message broker. You can create and delete queues, send and receive messages using HTTP requests. Everything is simple and fast. You can just relax 🛋️

GitHub repo

⚙️ Installation

Pull and run from the Docker Hub:

docker run -p 7920:7920 -d lexso/limero

Limero is now ready to use ✨

🌀 Quick start

First, create a queue:

curl -X PUT "" 

	"ok": true,
	"info": "The queue has been created",
	"name": "helloworld",
	"presize": 1

Now you can send a message to the queue:

curl --request POST \
     --url 'http://localhost:7920/msg?qname=helloworld' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{"value": {"message":"this is a new message!"}}'


The key for messages is always "value"

And now we will receive a message from the queue:

curl -X GET ""

{"value":{"message":"this is a new message!"}}⏎ 

📃 Docs

To view all the documentation, open the address under the "docs" key in the browser:

curl -X GET ""

	"limero": "Welcome!",
	"version": "0.1",
	"license": "MIT license",
	"author": "Alexey Sotchenkov",
	"docs": "localhost:7920/swagger/"

By opening the url in the browser, you can view the full swagger documentation

🌟 Tips

You can allocate the queue size in advance if you know the average number of messages that will be in the queue. This will increase the queue performance ⚡

curl -X PUT "" 

	"ok": true,
	"info": "The queue has been created",
	"name": "helloworld",
	"presize": 100

👥 Contribution

Limero is an MIT licensed open source project. The fastest way to get something fixed is to open a PR.

I will be glad of your help 💙

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lexso/limero