
By liferay

Updated over 1 year ago

Official images for Liferay Portal snapshots




For tags that follow the format {version}-{date}-{hash}, version denotes the version of Liferay Portal, date denotes the date when the Docker image was made, and hash denotes the Git hash of Liferay Portal.

Tags that follow the format ${version} always point to the latest tag that follows the format {version}-{date}-{hash}.


To start Liferay Portal, replace {tag} and execute:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal-snapshot:{tag}

For example:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal-snapshot:7.1.x-201809071128-c224858cb3117644c72ffdc24e212fd5449af493

The -it argument allows you to stop the container with CTRL-C. Otherwise, you have to use docker kill {containerId} to stop the container.

The -p 8080:8080 argument maps the container's port 8080 with the host's port 8080 so that you can access Liferay Portal from a browser.

Environment Variables

You can tune the default JVM parameters by setting the environment variable LIFERAY_JVM_OPTS.

You can customize the behavior of Liferay Portal via environment variables that map to For example, if you want to provide only English and Portuguese, you could create a with the entry:


Or, you could set the environment variable:


Each property's respective environment variable is documented in Search for the text Env:.

Environment variables take precedence over

File System

Docker containers are transient. Whenever you reboot a container, all changes on its file system are lost.

To quickly test changes without building a new image, map the host's file system to the container's file system.

Start the container with the option -v $(pwd)/xyz123:/mnt/liferay to bridge $(pwd)/xyz123 in the host operating system to /mnt/liferay on the container.

Files in the host directory $(pwd)/xyz123/files are also available in the container directory /mnt/liferay/files and will be copied to /opt/liferay before Liferay Portal starts.

For example, if you want to modify Tomcat's file, then place your changes in $(pwd)/xyz123/files/tomcat/bin/ and will be overwritten in /opt/liferay/tomcat/bin/ before Liferay Portal starts.


All scripts in the container directory /mnt/liferay/scripts will be executed before before Liferay Portal starts. Place your scripts in $(pwd)/xyz123/scripts.


Copy files to $(pwd)/xyz123/deploy on the host operating system to deploy modules to Liferay Portal at runtime.


Images are built based off of OpenJDK on Alpine. More information can be found in the Dockerfile at


This library, Liferay Portal Community Edition, is free software ("Licensed Software"); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; including but not limited to, the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to

Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Docker Pull Command

docker pull liferay/portal-snapshot