Latest ko image built from source.
The original official ko-build/ko image is too slow to pull, docker hub is much faster:)
Or you can build a private one to enhance ci pipeline.
Build from source is easy.
First clone the source repo:
git clone
And then run the following command:
KO_DOCKER_REPO=<YOUR REPO PATH> ko build -B --platform=all
This also canbe done within a container to avoid clone sources to the host disk:
docker run --rm -v ko:/src bitnami/git:latest git clone
docker run --rm -v ko:/src -v <PATH TO YOUR <docker config.json>>:/root/.docker -w /src golang:1.21-alpine sh -c "echo >> /etc/apk/repositories \
&& apk update && apk add ko \
&& KO_DOCKER_REPO=<YOUR REPO PATH> ko build -B --platform=all"
docker volume rm ko
ko do login with a docker config.json. If you donot know how to get one, do the following:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/root/.docker lifeym/ko login -u <YOUR USERNAME> -p <YOUR PASSWORD> <YOUR REGISTRY URL>
Then you can mount this config.json to your ko image under path: /root/.docker
docker pull lifeym/ko