
By liftoff

Updated over 7 years ago



What is Gate One?

This is the official Docker repo for Gate One--a web based terminal emulator and SSH client (and soon to support X11). The first time you 'docker run' the liftoff/gateone image it will automatically update itself with the latest code from Github.

Inside the image Gate One is configured to run as the root user (due to a bug in Docker; see and listen on port 8000. It is also configured to use /gateone/logs for logging and /gateone/users for the user_dir. The settings_dir is still at the usual /etc/gateone/conf.d location and SSL certificates (which will be generated automatically the first time you run the image) are stored in /etc/gateone/ssl/.

Using this Image

To run the image in the foreground with pretty-printed log messages, accessible via port 443:

docker run -t --name=gateone -p 443:8000 liftoff/gateone
# Ctrl-C will stop viewing the output but leave the container running

To run the image in the background (e.g. as part of a script):

docker run -d --name=gateone -p 443:8000 liftoff/gateone

To stop and start the image after having created a container via 'docker run':

docker stop gateone
docker start gateone

Note that merely stopping & starting the container doesn't pull in updates. That will only happen if you 'docker rm' container and start it back up again via 'docker run'.

Building the Image

The Dockerfile along with the script and 99docker.conf can be found in Gate One's repo on Github.

You can build your own copy of the liftoff/gateone image using that Dockerfile like so:

git clone # Clone the repo
cd GateOne/docker
docker build -t gateone . # Always tag your builds!

Issues, Bugs, Feature Suggestions

Any problems, bugs, or suggestions for the liftoff/gateone Docker image should be opened in Gate One's issue tracker.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull liftoff/gateone