This repo provides a tool that tries to solve all the burden of deploying LinTO's server components with our proposed Docker images (quite a complicated task otherwise...)
The tool is available here, linto-platform-stack. It mainly consists of a bash script,
, that feeds Docker Swarm with the provided YML Docker Compose files. The script will also generate files in a shared folder made available on every node of the swarm cluster. Almost every user setups are wrapped in a single environement variable declarative file.
The whole point here is to rationalize all your deployement in two quick steps:
cp env_template .env
script on a manager node of your clusterSimple, isn't it ?
We use an own version of Jigasi module which contains a custom jar (Added a transcription connector to LinTO's server). The image can be build with the following command:
cd docker
docker pull lintoai/linto-jitsi-jigasi