Server runtime for LinTO client's skills. Based on node-red.
This services is mandatory in a complete LinTO platform stack as the main process that actualy executes a workflow defined as a collection of LinTO skills. This service itself mainly consists of a wrapper for a node-red runtime. Any user defined context on linto-admin (a given set of configured skills) is therefore backed by a node-red flow.
This service provides for a node-red web interface wich is meant to get embedded in the main LinTO platform admin web interface. LinTO skills are node-red nodes
git clone
cd Business-Logic-Server
npm install
cp .envdefault .env
Then update the .env
to manage your personal configuration
Node-Red provide a configuration file lib/node-red/settings/settings.js
More information can be found on node-red website : Settings.js
Custom catalogue can be setup on the settings.js
palette: {
catalogues: [
Note that the .npmrc need to be configured to be used with a custom registry
Normal : npm run start
Debug : DEBUG=* npm run start
By default you can reach the user interface on http://localhost:9000
You will need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine. If they are already installed, you can skip this part. Otherwise, you can install them referring to, and to
You can build the docker with docker-compose build
Then run it with docker-compose run
Then you can acces it on localhost:9000
docker pull lintoai/linto-platform-business-logic-server