This repository is for building a Docker image for LinTO's NLP service: Keyword Extraction on the basis of linto-platform-nlp-core, can be deployed along with LinTO stack or in a standalone way (see Develop section in below).
The transcription service requires docker up and running.
The microservice only entry point in job mode are tasks posted on a message broker. Supported message broker are RabbitMQ, Redis, Amazon SQS. On addition, as to prevent large audio from transiting through the message broker, STT-Worker use a shared storage folder.
linto-platform-nlp-keyword-extraction can be deployed two ways:
git clone
cd linto-platform-nlp-keyword-extraction
docker build . -t linto-platform-nlp-keyword-extraction:latest
docker run --rm \
--env SERVICE_MODE=http \
--env CONCURRENCY=10 \
This will run a container providing an http API binded on the host HOST_SERVING_PORT port.
Variables | Description | Example |
HOST_SERVING_PORT | Host serving port | 80 |
CONCURRENCY | Number of worker | 4 |
LinTO-platform-nlp-keyword-extraction can be deployed within the linto-platform-stack through the use of linto-platform-services-manager. Used this way, the container spawn celery worker waiting for disfluency task on a message broker. LinTO-platform-keyword-extraction in task mode is not intended to be launch manually. However, if you intent to connect it to your custom message's broker here are the parameters:
You need a message broker up and running at MY_SERVICE_BROKER.
docker run --rm \
--env SERVICE_MODE=task \
--env CONCURRENCY=10 \
Variables | Description | Example |
SERVICES_BROKER | Service broker uri | redis://my_redis_broker:6379 |
BROKER_PASS | Service broker password (Leave empty if there is no password) | my_password |
CONCURRENCY | Number of worker (1 worker = 1 cpu) | [ 1 -> numberOfCPU] |
Returns the state of the API
Method: GET
Returns "1" if healthcheck passes.
Keyword Extraction API
The /docs route offers a OpenAPI/swagger-ui interface.
Worker accepts requests with the following arguments:
text: str, language: str
Return format
A JSON object containing the keywords as keys and their scores as values.
You can test you http API using curl:
curl -X POST "http://SERVICE:PORT/keyword_extraction" -H "accept: text/plain" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"text\": \"Your text here.\", \"parameters\": {\"method\": \"spacy\"} }"
This project is developped under the AGPLv3 License (see LICENSE).
docker pull lintoai/linto-platform-nlp-keyword-extraction