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By lintoai

Updated over 1 year ago

Data Science
Machine Learning & AI




This repository is for building a Docker image for LinTO's NLP service: Named Entity Recognition on the basis of linto-platform-nlp-core, can be deployed along with LinTO stack or in a standalone way (see Develop section in below).

LinTo's NLP services adopt the basic design concept of spaCy: component and pipeline, components (located under the folder components/) are decoupled from the service and can be easily re-used in other spaCy projects, components are organised into pipelines for realising specific NLP tasks.

This service can be launched in two ways: REST API and Celery task, with and without GPU support.


See documentation :


With our proposed stack


Build and run

1 Download models into ./assets on the host machine (can be stored in other places).

cd linto-platform-nlp-named-entity-recognition/
bash scripts/

2 configure running environment variables

cp .envdefault .env
Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
APP_LANGA space-separated list of supported languages for the applicationfr en
ASSETS_PATH_ON_HOSTThe path to the assets folder on the host machine./assets
ASSETS_PATH_IN_CONTAINERThe volume mount point of models in container/app/assets
LM_MAPA JSON string that maps each supported language to its corresponding language model{"fr":"spacy/xx_ent_wiki_sm-3.2.0/xx_ent_wiki_sm/xx_ent_wiki_sm-3.2.0","en":"spacy/xx_ent_wiki_sm-3.2.0/xx_ent_wiki_sm/xx_ent_wiki_sm-3.2.0"}
SERVICE_MODEThe mode in which the service is served, either "http" (REST API) or "task" (Celery task)"http"
CONCURRENCYThe maximum number of requests that can be handled concurrently1
USE_GPUA flag indicating whether to use GPU for computation or not, either "True" or "False"True
SERVICE_NAMEThe name of the micro-servicener
SERVICES_BROKERThe URL of the broker server used for communication between micro-services"redis://localhost:6379"
BROKER_PASSThe password for accessing the broker serverNone

4 Build image

sudo docker build --tag lintoai/linto-platform-nlp-named-entity-recognition:latest .


sudo docker-compose build

5 Run container with GPU support, make sure that NVIDIA Container Toolkit and GPU driver are installed.

sudo docker run --gpus all \
--rm -p 80:80 \
-v $PWD/assets:/app/assets:ro \
--env-file .env \
Check running with CPU only setting
  • remove --gpus all from the first command.
  • set USE_GPU=False in the .env.


sudo docker-compose up
Check running with CPU only setting
  • remove runtime: nvidia from the docker-compose.yml file.
  • set USE_GPU=False in the .env.

6 If running under SERVICE_MODE=http, navigate to http://localhost/docs in your browser, to explore the REST API interactively. See the examples for how to query the API. If running under SERVICE_MODE=task, plese refers to the individual section in the end of this README.

Specification for http://localhost/ner/{lang}

Supported languages
{lang}Modelner LabelsSize
enxx_ent_wiki_sm-3.2.0LOC, MISC, ORG, PER11 MB
frxx_ent_wiki_sm-3.2.0LOC, MISC, ORG, PER11 MB
  "articles": [
      "text": "Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer electronics, computer software and online services."
      "text": "Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer."
  "ner": [
      "text": "Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer electronics, computer software and online services.",
      "ents": [
          "text": "Apple Inc",
          "label": "ORG",
          "start": 0,
          "end": 9
          "text": "American",
          "label": "MISC",
          "start": 17,
          "end": 25
      "text": "Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer.",
      "ents": [
          "text": "Apple",
          "label": "ORG",
          "start": 0,
          "end": 5
          "text": "Steve Jobs",
          "label": "PER",
          "start": 29,
          "end": 39
          "text": "Steve Wozniak",
          "label": "PER",
          "start": 41,
          "end": 54
          "text": "Ronald Wayne",
          "label": "PER",
          "start": 59,
          "end": 71
          "text": "Wozniak",
          "label": "PER",
          "start": 92,
          "end": 99
          "text": "Apple I",
          "label": "MISC",
          "start": 102,
          "end": 109

Testing Celery mode locally

1 Install Redis on your local machine, and run it with:

redis-server --protected-mode no --bind --loglevel debug

2 Make sure in your .env, these two variables are set correctly as SERVICE_MODE=task and SERVICES_BROKER=redis://

Then start your docker container with either docker run or docker-compose up as shown in the previous section.

3 On your local computer, run this python script:

from celery import Celery
celery = Celery(broker='redis://localhost:6379/0', backend='redis://localhost:6379/1')
r = celery.send_task(
            "Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer electronics, computer software and online services.",
            "Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer."
        {"ner": {"top_n": 3}}

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lintoai/linto-platform-nlp-named-entity-recognition