
By liuxinnian

Updated almost 7 years ago

The Docker image for PHP development environment



What is in this image?

This image is a php web development environment cooked based on the offical docker image php, and with the following enhancements.


  • gd
  • pdo
  • pdo_mysql
  • pdo_pgsql
  • pgsql
  • mcrypt
  • mysqli
  • pdo_sqlite
  • redis
  • memcached
  • maxminddb


  • cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0
  • date.timezone = "Etc/UTC"

How to use this image

Single instance mode

Get the docker image by running the following commands:

docker pull liuxinnian/php

Start an instance:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name php -v /path/to/web:/var/www/html liuxinnian/php

This will start an instance, and you are ready to go.

login to the container

docker exec -t -i <container id> /bin/bash

Linking with other containers

To use this image linking with redis, you have to have a running redis instance. Suppose you have a redis instance named some_redis, we can link it in our php instance with the name redis like this:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name php -v /path/to/web:/var/www/html --link some_redis:redis -d liuxinnian/php

Then in the instance, you can use the hostname redis to connect to the database.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull liuxinnian/php