
By lmscommunity

Updated 5 days ago




The LMS Community's Docker image for Lyrion Music Server (Dockerfile). This formerly was known as logitechmediaserver.


  • latest: the latest release version, currently v9.0.1
  • stable: the bug fix branch based on the latest release, currently v9.0.2
  • dev: the development version, with new features, and potentially less stability, currently v9.1.0



docker run -it \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/config":rw \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/music":ro \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/playlist":rw \
      -v "/etc/localtime":"/etc/localtime":ro \
      -v "/etc/timezone":"/etc/timezone":ro \
      -p 9000:9000/tcp \
      -p 9090:9090/tcp \
      -p 3483:3483/tcp \
      -p 3483:3483/udp \

Please note that both the http port 9000 and the cli port 9090 must always be mapped 1:1. You can't just map it like -p 9002:9000, as Lyrion Music Server is telling players on which port to connect. The cli port can be updated after you deploy the container via the Lyrion web ui settings page under advanced/command line interface(CLI) to match your updated 1:1 mapping. However, if you have to use a different http port for LMS (other than 9000) you'll have to set the HTTP_PORT environment variable, too:

docker run -it \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/config":rw \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/music":ro \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/playlist":rw \
      -v "/etc/localtime":"/etc/localtime":ro \
      -v "/etc/timezone":"/etc/timezone":ro \
      -p 9002:9002/tcp \
      -p 9090:9090/tcp \
      -p 3483:3483/tcp \
      -p 3483:3483/udp \
      -e HTTP_PORT=9002 \

Docker compose:

version: '3'
    container_name: lms
    image: lmscommunity/lyrionmusicserver
      - /<somewhere>:/config:rw
      - /<somewhere>:/music:ro
      - /<somewhere>:/playlist:rw
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - 9000:9000/tcp
      - 9090:9090/tcp
      - 3483:3483/tcp
      - 3483:3483/udp
      - HTTP_PORT=9000
    restart: always

By default, the server will use the container id as its name, you can set it to something else by providing a hostname.

For docker run add:

  -h my-preferred-hostname

or for docker compose add (at the same level as container_name):

    hostname: my-preferred-hostname

You can specify the user and group id to use:

For docker run add:

  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000

For docker compose add:

  - PUID=1000
  - PGID=1000

Advanced configuration notes

If you can't map to /etc/localtime or /etc/timezone

Some systems wouldn't allow you to map volumes outside specific folders, eg. Unraid. In many of these cases you can define your timezone using an environment variable:

  -e TZ=Europe/Zurich
Docker on Synology
  • use /etc/TZ instead of /etc/timezone
  • you'll likely have to use another port than 9000. Synology traditionally used port 9002 to run Lyrion Music Server on. See above note about mapping ports to make sure this is working as expected!
  • you should either use host mode to automatically expose LMS on your network, or add another variable EXTRA_ARGS with the value "--advertiseaddr=" (where you'd put your NAS' IP address) - see below for details.
How to manually install plugins

If you're a developer you might want to install plugins manually, before they are available through LMS' built-in plugin manager. In order to do so, put them inside [config folder]/cache/Plugins, then restart LMS. They should be available in thereafter.

Passing additional launch arguments

Starting with v8.4 an optional EXTRA_ARGS environment variable exists for passing additional arguments to Lyrion Music Server process. For example, disabling the web interface could be achieved with EXTRA_ARGS="--noweb".

Define the service's IP address

Some plugins like eg. the Sounds & Effects, require the player to know the server's IP address. In the default bridge networking mode, the internal IP address would be different from what the player can see. Therefore playback would fail - unless we tell Lyrion Music Server what port to announce. This can be done using the above method to define the --advertiseaddr parameter (do not put quotes around the parameter!):

docker run -it \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/config":rw \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/music":ro \
      -v "<somewhere>":"/playlist":rw \
      -v "/etc/localtime":"/etc/localtime":ro \
      -v "/etc/timezone":"/etc/timezone":ro \
      -p 9000:9000/tcp \
      -p 9090:9090/tcp \
      -p 3483:3483/tcp \
      -p 3483:3483/udp \
      -e EXTRA_ARGS=--advertiseaddr= \
Running a script before the launch of Lyrion Music Server (v8.2.0+)

You can put a script called custom-init.sh in the configuration folder. If that script exists, it will be executed before Lyrion Music Server is launched. This would allow you to add additional software packages to the container. Eg. the following two lines put into custom-init.sh will install ffmpeg for use with some plugins:

apt-get update -qq
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -qy ffmpeg

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lmscommunity/lyrionmusicserver