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By lncm

Updated almost 2 years ago

TOR in a container (built from source)



Tor as a Docker container

Build on pushBuild on tag deployVersionDocker Pulls Count

Tor service as a docker container, supporting multiple platforms/architectures (armv6, armv7, arm64, amd64) the LNCM way (inclusive)

Usage instructions


NOTE: For an always up-to-date list see: https://hub.docker.com/r/lncm/tor/tags

Maintainer release notes

The github action takes in the current tag from upstream and then fetches, verifies and compiles this.

To grab a new version simply just tag a new version


git tag -s

Would Release of tor.

As a maintainer, you should also update the documentation too.

Environment Variables

Note In order to trigger builds This repository uses the following environment variables:

  • DOCKER_HUB_USER - the username for docker hub
  • DOCKER_USERNAME - The username for dockerhub.
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD - The password for dockerhub
  • DOCKER_TOKEN - the token for docker hub which can push to this projecta (not used currently)
  • GITHUB_TOKEN - The token of the current user (this is added automatically)
  • GITHUB_ACTOR - The user to login to docker.pkg.github.com
  • GITHUB_REPOSITORY - The repository pathname (used for the push to githubs package registry)


this assumes version. But you can substitute this for others

Command Line

To run this from the command line you would need to create an example config file or use the cut down config file in this repo.

Then you would need to run:

docker run --rm -d \
            --network host \
            --name tor \
            -v $PWD/data:/etc/tor \
            -v $PWD/data:/var/lib/tor \
            -v $PWD/run:/var/run/tor \

This assumes you have a directory called data and a directory called run in the current $PWD. And the config file torrc should live in data.


For your convenience, we have a docker-compose file available for you to use too.

By default this uses host networking and requires data and run folders to be created and with a valid torrc file

Generating Tor Passwords
docker run --rm \
            --name tor \
            lncm/tor: \
            --hash-password passwordtogenerate

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lncm/tor