
By lovasoa

Updated 1 day ago

SQL-only webapp builder: quickly give life to websites, data apps, input forms, admin UIs and more.

Content Management System
Web Servers
Developer Tools


SQLPage is an open-source, low-code web application server that allows you to build web applications entirely in SQL. With SQLPage, you can create stunning websites quickly by writing simple SQL queries to interact with your data.


Getting Started

To get started with SQLPage, you can use the following Docker command:

docker run -it --name sqlpage -p 8080:8080 --volume "$(pwd):/var/www" --rm lovasoa/sqlpage

This will start a new container with the latest stable version of SQLPage. The --volume flag allows you to mount your current working directory on the host machine to /var/www in the container, where you can store your SQL files. You can then access your application from your browser on http://localhost:8080.

Mount Points

SQLPage uses the following mount points:


Environment Variables

SQLPage can be entirely configured with environment variables. The main ones are:

  • DATABASE_URL: the URL of the database to connect to (e.g. postgres://user:pass@host/db?options)
  • LISTEN_ON: the ip and port to listen on (default is
  • SQLPAGE_ENVIRONMENT: production or development

Image Tags

The SQLPage Docker image is available with the following tags:

  • latest: the latest stable version of SQLPage
  • main: the latest development version of SQLPage, reflecting the current stage of development on the main branch on github
  • v*: (e.g. v0.20.5): specific versions, following semantic versioning.


To use SQLPage, simply create a new SQL file in the /var/www directory and write your SQL queries. SQLPage will execute the queries and render the results as a website.

For example, you can create a new file called index.sql with the following contents:

SELECT 'list' as component;
SELECT product_name as title, description FROM my_products;

This will render the contents of a database table named my_products using the list component.


SQLPage comes with several examples to get you started.


SQLPage is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions and feedback. If you encounter a problem, please open an issue on GitHub or come and chat with us.


SQLPage is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lovasoa/sqlpage