
By lstellway

Updated about 4 years ago

PHP Docker image with tags including Magento 2 PHP dependencies



PHP Docker Images

This is the repository for PHP Docker images based on the official PHP Docker images.


Initializing Scripts

When a container is started for the first time, the entrypoint script will execute .sh files mounted to the /docker-entrypoint-initphp.d directory.

docker run --name composer -v /my/own/scripts/:/docker-entrypoint-initphp.d/ -d lstellway/php:7.0-magento2-full

Magento 2 Dependencies

Images have been created according to the Magento 2 technology stack requirements, utilizing the following PHP packages:

Extended Dependencies

Images have alternate version tags suffixed with -full that include further dependencies:

Issues / Suggestions

Please feel free to fork, contribute and report issues!

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lstellway/php