
By lucatnt

Updated 22 days ago

Schedule youtube-dl to monitor a playlist and upload the mp3 audio to a S3 bucket



The purpose of this thing is to have a recurring youtube-dl job monitoring a playlist and download the audio of new uploads, convert it to mp3, then upload it to a S3-compatible storage service.

It uses yt-dlp, a fork of the venerable youtube-dl to perform the download, go-cron to schedule the job, and Minio Client to provide the S3 upload functionality (which I'm using with Backblaze B2).

It can be used in conjunction with worker-feed-from-bucket to generate an RSS feed from the bucket contents, thus creating a podcast out of the download mp3s.

NOTE: Even though I am making all this public, this is thought for my own personal use, and might not fit your needs. Feel free to fork it/submit PRs if you think it is appropriate.

GitHub repository



Environment variables are used to configure this thing.

  • DOWNLOAD_CRON: (Docker only) if set, it defines the schedule for the youtube-dl job. The syntax is the same used by cron, with an optional first field which specifies seconds. If unset, the script will run and then exit.
  • OUTPUT_RENAME_PATTERN: The renaming pattern fed to youtube-dl, it defaults to %(upload_date)s_%(title)s.%(ext)s. Check its documation for further info.
  • DOWNLOAD_LIMIT: The maximum number of items of a playlist to download. Defaults to 15.
  • DOWNLOAD_ARCHIVE_PATH: The path of the "database" (just a text file) where youtube-dl keeps track of what it has already downloaded. Defaults to archive.txt (in the Docker image that file is in /workdir).
  • S3_ENDPOINT: The S3 endpoint to use (just the hostname, without https://). For example, AWS's is, B2's is or, and so forth.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your API key ID.
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your API secret.
  • S3_BUCKET: The name of your bucket.
  • COMMAND_AFTER_SINGLE_FILE: Which command should be executed after each file has downloaded. Use {} to refer to the path of the file. Defaults to mc --config-dir /tmp/.mc mv {} s3/$S3_BUCKET/, which moves the mp3 to the S3 bucket defined through the previous variables.
  • PRE_COMMANDS: (Optional) Commands to be executed before the script starts checking for new videos.
  • POST_COMMANDS_EXIT: (Optional) Commands to be executed after the download script exits (with or without an error).
  • POST_COMMANDS_FAILURE: (Optional) Commands to be executed after the download fails.
  • POST_COMMANDS_SUCCESS: (Optional) Commands to be executed after the download succeeds.

If you wish to ignore the S3 capabilities of this thing just set COMMAND_AFTER_SINGLE_FILE to a blank string or whatever you think is appropriate.

Docker example

docker run -e YOUTUBE_URL="" -e -e S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=SomeKeyID -e S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=SomeSecret -e S3_BUCKET=YourBucket -e DOWNLOAD_CRON='0 0 */6 * * *' -v $(pwd)/archive.txt:/workdir/archive.txt lucatnt/youtube-to-mp3-to-s3

This would monitor the given YouTube playlist every 6 hours, download at most 15 videos (default value for DOWNLOAD_LIMIT), upload it to B2 and keep track of the download files by mounting archive.txt from the local directory into /workdir/archive.txt, which is the script's default.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull lucatnt/youtube-to-mp3-to-s3