Docker environment for performance and stress test in mysqlq database.
Sysbench 1.0.20-r1 in Docker environment for performance and stress test in mysqlq database. You can use this environment for testing on local databases or cloud instances.
Create a MySQL database and user for sysbench:
mysql> CREATE SCHEMA sbtest;
mysql> CREATE USER sbtest@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sbtest.* to sbtest@'%';
Or simply use the respective MySQL's image environment variables to create the database and user when running the MySQL container.
Prepare the sysbench database:
docker run
In this staging example, we set to staging 10 tables with 1000000 rows, which makes a total dataset of 2.4GB. We pass the bank connection and authentication information.
docker run
In this test example, we are doing a reading action on the tables prepared earlier, with the number of --threads=1000 as a thousand simultaneous readings, the --events=0 means that there is no limit on the number of readings while the test lasts, being that the --time=120 parameter defines that the test duration time is 120s.
docker run
In this example we clean up the environment that was created, freeing up the space used for testing.
docker run
docker pull marcosvile/sysbench