
By matrixdotorg

Updated about 2 years ago

Dendrite across multiple processes or machines



Dendrite Polylith

These are Docker images for a Dendrite polylith deployment, in which Dendrite components run in their own processes, or even on their own machines!

Compose files

There are sample docker-compose files in the docker folder of the Dendrite repository:

  • docker-compose.deps.yml which runs the Postgres and Kafka prerequisites
  • docker-compose.polylith.yml which runs a polylith Dendrite deployment


The docker-compose files refer to the /etc/dendrite volume within the Docker container as where the runtime config should come from. The mounted folder must contain:

  • dendrite.yaml configuration file (based on the sample dendrite-config.yaml in the docker/config folder in the Dendrite repository
  • matrix_key.pem server key, as generated using cmd/generate-keys
  • server.crt certificate file
  • server.key private key file for the above certificate

To generate keys:

go run \
  --private-key=matrix_key.pem \
  --tls-cert=server.crt \

Docker Pull Command

docker pull matrixdotorg/dendrite-polylith