
By mattgruter

Updated almost 7 years ago

Guacamole web application



Docker images for Guacamole

Run Guacamole, the clientless remote desktop gateway inside Docker containers.

Images on the Docker Hub:

Getting started

To run the Guacamole daemon, web application and a database backend for authentication do:

docker run --name guacd mattgruter/guacamole-guacd
docker run --name db mattgruter/guacamole-db
docker run --link guacd:guacd --link db:db -p 8080:8080 mattgruter/guacamole-webserver

Now point your browser at http://localhost:8080.

The default user is guacadmin with password guacadmin.


If you use fig you can bulid and start all containers with:

fig up

Or if you don't want to build the images yourself and use the prebuild images from the Docker Hub:

fig -f up

And point your browser at http://localhost:8080.

The default user is guacadmin with password guacadmin.


To only run the Guacamole daemon:

docker run mattgruter/guacamole-guacd

The guacd default port 4822 is exposed by the image.

Database backend

To only run a Guacamole-ready MariaDB server:

docker run mattgruter/guacamole-db

The MariaDB server exposes it's default port 3306.

Web application

To only run the Guacamole web application:

docker run -p 8080:8080 guacd mattgruter/guacamole-webserver

The web application expects a running guacd Guacamole daemon at the address guacd:4822 and a Guacamole-ready MySQL database server at db:3306. You'll probably want to start a guacd and database container first and then link to them as described above.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mattgruter/guacamole-webserver