Mautic's community governance portal -
Mautic's community portal is the place where we organize everything within the project that relates to governance and community.
Whether you want to participate in a vote for a new member for the Mautic council, get involved in a debate about a feature, find out where your local meetup groups are, or just learn a bit more about how decisions are made in this open source project, this is the place for you!
Log in at with your Mautic community credentials from the forums/website if you're already registered, or create a new account.
The community portal runs on the open source software Decidim.
Code changes are accepted via pull requests. If you find a bug please report it via issues.
If you would like to help with managing the portal itself, claiming membership or any other problems, please reach out via #community on Slack.
To run almost the same production infrastructure locally:
Start the docker-compose:
docker-compose up
In a new terminal, you can run a database seed.
docker-compose run --rm decidim bundle exec rails db:seed
Warning, there are known issues running this development docker on M1 Apple processor. You have been warned.
Start a decidim instance with no command
docker-compose -f up -d
Run webpacker
docker-compose -f run --rm decidim bin/webpack-dev-server
Run rails server
docker-compose -f run --rm decidim bundle exec rails s -b
Run migrations
docker-compose -f run --rm decidim bundle exec rails db:migrate
Run a database seed
docker-compose -f run --rm decidim bundle exec rails db:seed
docker pull mautic/community-portal