
By mbopm

Updated 2 months ago

alpine linux with java

Developer Tools



Alpine latest with Eclipse Temurin JRE 21. This image is meant to be used to run JVM based applications. It includes a user named application with home directory /home/application which is set as default.

Default exposed port is 8080 and the default file run on startup is named app.jar placed under /home/application.

Sample for building an application with testcontainers test:

FROM mbopm/docker-dind-temurin-alpine:latest AS builder
COPY ./ ./
CMD dockerd-entrypoint.sh & \
    ./gradlew build --no-daemon --stacktrace --info

FROM mbopm/temurin-alpine-jre:latest
COPY --from=builder /workdir/app/build/libs/app.jar .

This example assumes your application is built in /workdir/app/build/libs and named app.jar. This isn't the default in a typical gradle Java build. app was added as a subproject and the spring bootJar task was configured to name the resulting file app.jar.

The builder container is using docker-dind to support testcontainers. See the docker hub page of the build container for further infos about it.

The runtime image then simply adds the application to the workdir of the image and the default name assumed for the jar file is app.jar. So the container will simply run the jar file when started. Of course you could also simply mount the jar file instead of creating a separate image.

Docker Compose

Here a sample for how to use this image inside a docker compose file to run an application:

    image: mbopm/temurin-alpine-jre:latest
      - "./app.jar:/home/application/app.jar:ro"
      test: nc -z -v localhost 8080 || exit 1
      interval: 1s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 10
      - ""

The sample assumes you have an app.jar file in the same directory as the docker compose file and that the application listens to port 8080 when started.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mbopm/temurin-alpine-jre