
By mclaassen

Updated 11 days ago

P1 monitor/P1monitor container version based on ZTATZ smart energy meter monitoring software

Monitoring & Observability


P1 Monitor

This is a summarised description for the container version of P1 Monitor. For a detailed description visit: check P1-Monitor docker container for smart meters

Docker container based on the P1Monitor built by 'Security Brother' ( When using with below docker-compose script the container will be persistent at rebooting your server. Data will be saved outside the container and will be maintained when updating. Not all functionality is available but for most monitoring options it is functioning fine. Just connect your P1 port to a free port on your computer and modify accordingly. This docker image allows you to run the P1 Monitor software on a 'normal' Linux server as well as on Pi based OS.

Create a docker-compose.yml file as below and start using docker compose up -d.

The volumes section ensures data is persistent so at stopping, starting, recreating the container data is preserved. docker-compose also ensures your container is restarted in case of a server reboot.

This page is only providing a summary. For more details on background, configuration and usage like for instance using docker or in a kubernetes cluster visit P1-Monitor docker container for smart meters
A full list of changes is available at Version information
Upgrade to latest version
from version 1.2.0 and up Use docker compose pull to retrieve the latest image and start using the up command again. No need to upgrade or save the existing data. After starting it may take some time before data is retrieved again
Docker compose file example
    hostname: p1mon
    image: mclaassen/p1mon
      - 80:80
      - ./alldata/data:/p1mon/data
      - ./alldata/usbdisk:/p1mon/mnt/usb
      - ./alldata/mnt/ramdisk:/p1mon/mnt/ramdisk
      - /run
      - /tmp
      - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0"
    restart: unless-stopped
Check the GitHub repository if you want to build your own container or for comments: p1monitor github
More information
For more information on parameters etc. check P1-Monitor docker container for smart meters

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mclaassen/p1mon