
By mdancho

Updated over 4 years ago



About the Docker Image

The image contains:

  • R & Rstudio IDE
  • H2O - Version (This is important because you need to maintain h2o versions)
  • Tidyverse - dplyr, ggplot2, purrr, lubridate, stringr, tibble, & more
  • Rmarkdown & Tex (PDF) packages
  • TensorFlow & Keras (R) versions - You will still need to install Python libraries with tensorflow::install_tensorflow()
  • Supporting Packages: Plotly, Tidyquant, Timetk
  • Packages needed for Learning Lab 40: embed library

Docker for Data Science (Lab 40)

The h2o-verse was used in Learning Lab 40 - Docker for Data Science.

This lab illustrates the importance of using Docker for Reproducible Analysis & Production Environments. The lab_40_docker code repository can be downloaded / cloned from GitHub.

This github repo contains:

  • RMarkdown Report for H2O Bankruptcy
  • Dockerfile used to create the "h2o-verse" H2O + Tidyverse Environment

The h2o-verse docker container can be downloaded from DockerHub.

Note that the GitHub repository does not include the code to generate H2O Grid Search Models & use MLFlow for Tracking the grid search models. Upgrade to Learning Labs PRO.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mdancho/h2o-verse