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By mediagis

Updated almost 9 years ago

OSM tools in docker

Data Science
Databases & Storage



Command line tools to work with OSM files in docker.

Image description

This image contains the following comand line utilities:

  • osmconvert - can be used to convert and process OpenStreetMap files.
  • osmfilter - is a command line tool used to filter OpenStreetMap data files for specific tags.
  • osmupdate - downloads and cumulates OSM Changefiles of different categories (minutely, hourly, daily).

How to use this image

Prepare yours data:

mkdir -p /data/osm-data
wget -O /data/osm-data/monaco.osm.pbf

Mount host directory with data into container /osm and work with osmconvertosmfilter or osmupdate utils.

Retrieving Statistical Data

docker run --rm  -it --volume /data/osm-data:/osm mediagis/osmtools osmconvert --out-statistics monaco.osm.pbf

Convert from osm.pbf to o5m

docker run --rm  -it --volume /data/osm-data:/osm mediagis/osmtools osmconvert monaco.osm.pbf -o=monaco.o5m

List of all keys sorted by occurrence

docker run --rm  -it --volume /data/osm-data:/osm mediagis/osmtools osmfilter --out-count monaco.o5m

User Feedback


If you have any problems or questions about this image, please contact me through a issue or email

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mediagis/osmtools