
By melopt

Updated over 4 years ago

A image to generate documentation


50K+ Image

Allows us to use the mkdocs command on our projects to generate documentation.

Quick Start

From the command line, you can obtain an explanation on how to use with:

docker run -i --rm melopt/mkdocs

This will guide you on how to use this image effectively during your documentation writing process.

Whats Included?

The image includes the following themes and plugins:

Please note that none of the plugins are active by default, you need to activate them on your mkdocs.yml file.

Markdown extensions

MkDocs uses the Python Markdown package. This package includes a lot of useful default extensions that you can use on your wiki.

To use an extension, edit your mkdocs.yml file and add a markdown_extensions section with the list of extensions you want to add. For example:

  - abbr
  - attr_list
  - def_list
  - footnotes
  - codehilite


The Pygments package is installed to provide code hi-lighting to your fenced code blocks, but this requires a bit of work on your part.

You'll need to:

  • place a Pygments styles CSS on your site;
  • load it on your pages using the extra_css configuration on your mkdocs.yml file.

Pygments styles CSS generation

To generate the CSS file, on your Dockerfile for your site, add the following line:

RUN mkdir /docs/docs/css && pygmentize -S default -f html -a .codehilite > /docs/docs/css/pygments.css

Tweak the locations of the destination file (make sure the destination folder exists), and adjust the style and class names in the pygmentize execution. See the codehilite Markdown plugin for more information on the options you have.

Load the Pygments CSS file

On your mkdocs.yml file, add a section:

  - css/pygment-styles.css

Make sure the path matches the file you generated on the previous section.

Creating a Static Site

At the end of this proces you'll have a very tiny nginx-based image that will launch a HTTP site with your documentation.

We use a multi-stage build for this. Use the following Dockerfile as starting point:

FROM melopt/mkdocs AS builder

COPY <your source files> /docs/

RUN /usr/bin/generate_mkdocs_site

FROM melopt/nginx-alt

COPY --from=builder /build /usr/share/nginx/docs/

The final image will be a nginx-powered static site.


  • look at issue 699 and try to figure out how to override themes to include the _ prefix trick to hide pages from the navigation. Please note that, based on the discussion, we do not expect this to be needed after mkdocs 1.0 is relased. See pages refactor project for status on this. ==> UPDATE: the material design includes the fix for the _ prefix

Docker Pull Command

docker pull melopt/mkdocs