The docker repository for the MFDLABS Grid Bot
This repository contains code for the Grid Bot, this bot is designed to interact with Roblox via:
These issue reports apply to the currently deployed bot.
You can request the following:
These should be carried out with utmost professionalism and care, as otherwise they will be ignored, or will make it harder for the developer team to implement them.
The usage of the name Roblox and any of its assets is purely for the purpose of providing a clear understanding of the project's purpose and functionality. This project is not endorsed by Roblox Corporation, and is not intended to be used for any commercial purposes.
This project uses an executable to interact with Roblox character renders and Luau code execution. This executable will not be provided in this repository, you must source it yourself. The executable provided must be one that supports JSON script executions.
The API of this executable must also be provide by the user, we provide a simple API that just provides the neccessary HTTP requests to interact with the executable: grid-service-websrv.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License, and is provided as is. The project is not intended to be used for any commercial purposes.
All code and releases in this repository, that were made before the license was added, are subject to copyright and are unlicensed. The license only applies to code and releases made after the license was added. Usage of code and releases made before the license was added is at your own risk, but distribution of code and releases made before the license was added is subject to DMCA takedown requests.
This notice only serves the purpose of giving a clear understanding of project boundaries and limitations, and should be taken into account when using this project.
The installation of this project is simple, and can go as follows:
Either through the basic method of cloning the repository and having it fetch dependencies from NuGet by using the solution grid-bot-bare.sln.
or by cloning the repository with --recurse-submodules
and then setting the property LocalBuild
in Directory.Build.props and shared/Directory.Build.props, and using the solution grid-bot.sln
This repository provides Docker builds at Docker.
This repository also supplies releases, which can be ran with any distribution of .NET 8.0.1 or higher
dotnet Grid.Bot.dll
Please see the notice for information on copyright, licensing and distribution.
The configuration in this repository can be loaded 2 ways:
Variable Name | Variable Type | Provider Name | Description |
BotToken | string | Discord | The token that corresponds to the Bot that will consume this code. |
GridServerExecutableName | string | Grid | The name of the executable used for grid server operations. |
GridServerRegistryKeyName | string | Grid | The name of the registry key that stores the full path to the grid server executable. |
GridServerRegistryValueName | string | Grid | The name of the registry value that stores the full path to the grid server executable. |
GridServerImageName | string | Grid | The name of the Docker image that the process manager will use. |
GridServerImageTag | string | Grid | The tag of the Docker image that the process manager will use. |
GridServerSettingsKey | string | Grid | The settings key for the grid server used to fetch it's configuration, when using Windows this is most likely already specified in the registry. |
You may find information about these settings, and other settings in their respected providers under this directory.
This method of fetching configuration simply turns to the environment to search for strings. The settings cannot be persisted this way.
$env:BotToken = "Testing!"
dotnet Grid.Bot.dll
BotToken = "Testing!" dotnet Grid.Bot.dll
# or
export BotToken = "Testing!"
dotnet Grid.Bot.dll
This method of fetching configuration fetches settings from Vault. If a setting is not found in Vault, it will fall back to the environment If you are using this method you will have to define the following environment variables beforehand:
, but allows you to override the mount point for settings (see SettingsProvidersDefaults.cs)These all supply a path that is dependent on an environment variable called ENVIRONMENT, which defaults to development. e.g, grid-bot-settings/development/discord/debug, would contain the settings for the DiscordProvider for the development environment:
The format of these are normally: {environmentName}/{providerName}, and the providerName changes to the lowercase and replaces word splits with dashes (UsersClientSettings -> users-client)
In order to support pre-JSON execution, you must specify the PRE_JSON_EXECUTION
constant defition:
And you must rebuild these libraries: Grid.ProcessManagement and Grid.ProcessManagement.Docker, as they also use this constant defition.
While this supports the old method of raw Lua execution, all features are not guaranteed to work, such as the LuaVM (You can disable the LuaVM via the setting LuaVMEnabled in the Scripts provider).
This project also supports the use of Nomad, and can be ran in a Nomad environment.
The Nomad directory contains a job that can be used to run the bot in a Nomad environment, this file is a template and must be modified to suit your environment.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License:
Copyright 2024 MFDLABS
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
docker pull mfdlabs/grid-bot