yq is a portable command-line YAML processor
a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor
The aim of the project is to be the jq or sed of yaml files.
V4 is now officially released, it's quite different from V3 (sorry for the migration), however it is much more similar to jq
, using a similar expression syntax and therefore support much more complex functionality!
If you've been using v3 and want/need to upgrade, checkout the upgrade guide.
Using Homebrew
brew install yq
packages:snap install yq
Snap notes
installs with strict confinement in snap, this means it doesn't have direct access to root files. To read root files you can:
sudo cat /etc/myfile | yq e '.a.path' -
And to write to a root file you can either use sponge:
sudo cat /etc/myfile | yq e '.a.path = "value"' - | sudo sponge /etc/myfile
or write to a temporary file:
sudo cat /etc/myfile | yq e '.a.path = "value"' | sudo tee /etc/myfile.tmp
sudo mv /etc/myfile.tmp /etc/myfile
rm /etc/myfile.tmp
Use wget to download the pre-compiled binaries:
wget https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/${VERSION}/${BINARY} -O /usr/bin/yq &&\
chmod +x /usr/bin/yq
For instance, VERSION=4.0.0 and BINARY=yq_linux_amd64
Oneshot use:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/workdir mikefarah/yq <command> [flags] [expression ]FILE...
Run commands interactively:
docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/workdir mikefarah/yq sh
It can be useful to have a bash function to avoid typing the whole docker command:
yq() {
docker run --rm -i -v "${PWD}":/workdir mikefarah/yq "$@"
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/mikefarah/yq/v4
As these are supported by the community :heart: - however, they may be out of date with the officially supported releases.
choco install yq
Supported by @chillum (https://chocolatey.org/packages/yq)
Using MacPorts
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install yq
Supported by @herbygillot (https://ports.macports.org/maintainer/github/herbygillot)
to /etc/apk/repositories
apk update
apk add yq
Supported by Tuan Hoang https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/community/x86/yq
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys CC86BB64
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rmescandon/yq
sudo apt update
sudo apt install yq -y
Supported by @rmescandon (https://launchpad.net/~rmescandon/+archive/ubuntu/yq)
but works with YAML and JSON filesCheck out the documentation for more detailed and advanced usage.
yq [flags]
yq [command]
Available Commands:
eval Apply expression to each document in each yaml file given in sequence
eval-all Loads _all_ yaml documents of _all_ yaml files and runs expression once
help Help about any command
shell-completion Generate completion script
-C, --colors force print with colors
-e, --exit-status set exit status if there are no matches or null or false is returned
-h, --help help for yq
-I, --indent int sets indent level for output (default 2)
-i, --inplace update the yaml file inplace of first yaml file given.
-M, --no-colors force print with no colors
-N, --no-doc Don't print document separators (---)
-n, --null-input Don't read input, simply evaluate the expression given. Useful for creating yaml docs from scratch.
-j, --tojson output as json. Set indent to 0 to print json in one line.
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-V, --version Print version information and quit
Use "yq [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Simple Example:
yq e '.a.b | length' f1.yml f2.yml
attempts to preserve comment positions and whitespace as much as possible, but it does not handle all scenarios (see https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml/tree/v3 for details)docker pull mikefarah/yq