
By mikenye

Updated 7 months ago

Multi-Arch Postfix image. Optionally includes clamav, dkim, spf, greylisting.





Postfix is Wietse Venema's excellent mail server.

This container attempts to simplify and streamline setting up inbound and outbound mail relays, to protect and enhance self hosted email servers (eg: Microsoft Exchange). However, if you find an alternate use, please let me know so I can add to "Deployment Recipes".

The container employs Postfix's Postscreen for enhanced protection.

Apart from basic email relaying, the container can optionally:

The container is fully configured via environment variables - each service's configuration files built from environment variables on container start. It also supports some configuration files via volume mappings.

Currently supported docker architectures are linux/386, linux/amd64, linux/arm/v7 and linux/arm64.

Please note - docker hub cuts off this readme as it is quite long. To view the full readme click here.


This container implement's the excellent s6-overlay for process supervision (and a bunch of other handy stuff).

Service NameDescriptionWhen is it started
postfixRuns postfixAlways
clamav-milterPart of ClamAV. Runs the clamav-milter for scanning emails for virii.If ENABLE_CLAMAV is set to true
clamdPart of ClamAV. Runs clamd, the virus scanning engine for clamav-milter.If ENABLE_CLAMAV is set to true
freshclamPart of ClamAV. Runs freshclam on the schedule defined by FRESHCLAM_CHECKS_PER_DAY to keep the ClamAV database updated.If ENABLE_CLAMAV is set to true
opendkimRuns opendkim for DKIM signing/verification.If ENABLE_OPENDKIM is set to true
postgreyRuns postgrey for greylisting.If ENABLE_POSTGREY is set to true
postgrey_whitelist_updateRuns daily. Fetches the latest system whitelist from https://postgrey.schweikert.ch/pub/postgrey_whitelist_clients, merges with any locally defined whitelist, and reloads postgrey.If ENABLE_POSTGREY is set to true
syslogdPresent for opendkim and postgrey logging.Always

Deployment Recipes

Wrap a Local Exchange Server

Wrapping an Exchange Server

In this deployment recipe, two containers (mail_in and mail_out) are created.

mail_in is designed to sit between the internet and a local legacy Exchange server. It handles inbound email, and provides the following:

  • Uses postscreen to ensure the sending MTA is standards compliant
  • Uses DNSBLs as an initial anti-spam measure
  • Provides up-to-date TLS for incoming clients
  • Performs greylisting as another anti-spam measure
  • Performs SPF & DKIM verification
  • Performs various header/sender/recipient checks to make sure the message is valid
  • Performs recipient verification via LDAP to internal Active Directory
  • Scans the email for viruses with ClamAV
  • Forwards the email to the legacy Exchange server

mail_out is designed to sit between the local legacy Exchange server and the internet. It handles outbound email, and provides the following:

  • Provides up-to-date TLS for talking to external MTAs
  • Performs DKIM signing
  • Scans the email for viruses with ClamAV
  • Delivers the outgoing email

From a networking perspective:

  • The site's internet router is configured to NAT incoming connections on TCP port 25 through to the docker host running mail_in on port TCP 2525.
  • The site's Exchange server is configured to send email (via "smart host") to the docker host (which is hard-coded to TCP port 25)

An example docker-compose.yml file is follows:

version: '3.8'

    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local


    image: mikenye/postfix
    container_name: mail_out
    restart: always
      driver: "json-file"
        max-file: "10"
        max-size: "10m"
      - "25:25"
      TZ: "Australia/Perth"
      POSTMASTER_EMAIL: "postmaster@yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_MYORIGIN: "mail.yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_PROXY_INTERFACES: "your.external.IP.address"
      POSTFIX_MYNETWORKS: "your.local.LAN.subnet/prefix"
      POSTFIX_MYDOMAIN: "yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_MYHOSTNAME: "mail.yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_MAIL_NAME: "outbound"
      POSTFIX_SMTPD_TLS_CHAIN_FILES: "/etc/postfix/certs/privkey.pem, /etc/postfix/certs/fullchain.pem"
      POSTFIX_SMTP_TLS_CHAIN_FILES: "/etc/postfix/certs/privkey.pem, /etc/postfix/certs/fullchain.pem"
      ENABLE_OPENDKIM: "true"
      OPENDKIM_SIGNINGTABLE: "/etc/mail/dkim/SigningTable"
      OPENDKIM_KEYTABLE: "/etc/mail/dkim/KeyTable"
      OPENDKIM_MODE: "s"
      OPENDKIM_INTERNALHOSTS: "your.local.LAN.subnet/prefix"
      OPENDKIM_LOGWHY: "true"
      ENABLE_CLAMAV: "true"
      CLAMAV_MILTER_REPORT_HOSTNAME: "mail.yourdomain.tld"
      - "certs:/etc/postfix/certs:ro"
      - "dkim:/etc/mail/dkim:rw"
      - "clamav_out:/var/lib/clamav:rw"
      - "queue_out:/var/spool/postfix:rw"
      - "logs_out:/var/log:rw"

    image: mikenye/postfix
    container_name: mail_in
    restart: always
      driver: "json-file"
        max-file: "10"
        max-size: "10m"
      - "2525:25"
      TZ: "Australia/Perth"
      POSTMASTER_EMAIL: "postmaster@yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_MYORIGIN: "mail.yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_PROXY_INTERFACES: "your.external.IP.address"
      POSTFIX_MYDOMAIN: "yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_MYHOSTNAME: "mail.yourdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_MAIL_NAME: "inbound"
      POSTFIX_SMTPD_TLS_CHAIN_FILES: "/etc/postfix/certs/privkey.pem, /etc/postfix/certs/fullchain.pem"
      POSTFIX_SMTP_TLS_CHAIN_FILES: "/etc/postfix/certs/privkey.pem, /etc/postfix/certs/fullchain.pem"
      POSTFIX_RELAYHOST: "exchange.server.IP.addr"
      POSTFIX_RELAY_DOMAINS: "yourdomain.tld,someotherdomain.tld"
      POSTFIX_DNSBL_SITES: "hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com=, bl.spamcop.net, cbl.abuseat.org=, zen.spamhaus.org"
      ENABLE_OPENDKIM: "true"
      OPENDKIM_MODE: "v"
      OPENDKIM_LOGWHY: "true"
      ENABLE_SPF: "true"
      ENABLE_CLAMAV: "true"
      CLAMAV_MILTER_REPORT_HOSTNAME: "mail.yourdomain.tld"
      ENABLE_POSTGREY: "true"
      POSTFIX_LDAP_SERVERS: "active.directory.server.IP,active.directory.server.IP"
      POSTFIX_LDAP_BIND_DN: "CN=mailrelay,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,DC=yourdomain,DC=tld"
      POSTFIX_LDAP_BIND_PW: "12345"
      POSTFIX_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE: "DC=yourdomain,DC=tld"
      - "certs:/etc/postfix/certs:ro"
      - "queue_in:/var/spool/postfix:rw"
      - "clamav_in:/var/lib/clamav:rw"
      - "postgrey_in:/etc/postgrey:ro"
      - "tables_in:/etc/postfix/tables:ro"
      - "aliases_in:/etc/postfix/local_aliases:ro"
      - "logs_in:/var/log:rw"

It is recommended to make your volume mounts somewhere you can access them, so you can edit files, load certificates, view logs easily, etc.

For example, you could map through to a known local path:

    driver: local
      type: 'none'
      o: 'bind'
      device: '/opt/mail/queue_out'

...or, another example useing NFS to a filer/server, eg:

    driver: local
      type: nfs
      o: addr=,rw
      device: ":/vol/mail/queue_out"

Environment Variables

Container configuration
Environment VariableDescription
ENABLE_CLAMAVOptional. Set to "true" to enable ClamAV. Default is "false".
ENABLE_LDAP_RECIPIENT_ACCESSOptional. Enable LDAP-based recipient verification. See LDAP Recipient Verification section below.
ENABLE_OPENDKIMOptional. Set to "true" to enable OpenDKIM. If OpenDKIM is enabled, the "OpenDKIM Configuration" variables below will need to be set. Default is "false".
ENABLE_POSTGREYOptional. Set to "true" to enable postgrey. Default is "false".
ENABLE_SPFOptional. Set to "true" to enable policyd-spf. Default is "false".
POSTMASTER_EMAILRequired. Set to the email of your domain's postmaster. Example: postmaster@domain.tld.
TZRecommended. Set the timezone for the container. Default is UTC.
Syslog Configuration
Environment VariableDescription
SYSLOG_PRIORITYOptional. Log only messages more urgent than SYSLOG_PRIORITY. 0 = Emergency, 1 = Alert, 2 = Critical, 3 = Error, 4 = Warning, 5 = Notice, 6 = Info (the default), 7 = Debug
Postfix Configuration
Environment VariableDocumentation Link
POSTFIX_DNSBL_SITESSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_DNSBL_THRESHOLDSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_INET_PROTOCOLSSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_MAIL_NAMESee documentation link.
POSTFIX_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMITSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_MYDOMAINSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_MYHOSTNAMESee documentation link.
POSTFIX_MYNETWORKSSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_MYORIGINSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_PROXY_INTERFACESSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_RELAY_DOMAINSSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_RELAYHOST_PORTOptional port argument for POSTFIX_RELAYHOST. Default is 25 so only need to change if you're relayhost is running on a different port.
POSTFIX_RELAYHOSTSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTP_TLS_CHAIN_FILESSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_MILTERSAny milters given here are applied after DKIM & ClamAV. See documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_RECIPIENT_RESTRICTIONS_PERMIT_SASL_AUTHENTICATEDSet to true to include in smtpd_recipient_restrictions. See documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_TLS_CERT_FILESee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_TLS_CHAIN_FILESSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_TLS_KEY_FILESee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_TLS_LOGLEVELSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPD_USE_TLSSee documentation link.
POSTFIX_SMTPUTF8_ENABLESee documentation link.
POSTFIX_CHECK_RECIPIENT_ACCESS_FINAL_ACTIONIf recipient checks are enabled (via ENABLE_LDAP_RECIPIENT_ACCESS and/or recipient_access.hash), this is the final action taken after all other checks. Default is defer. Usually should be set to either defer or reject. See documentation link.
LDAP Recipient Verification

See "LDAP" section below.

If ENABLE_LDAP_RECIPIENT_ACCESS is enabled, the final smtpd_recipient_restrictions action becomes defer (from the default of permit).

Environment VariableDocumentation Link
POSTFIX_LDAP_SERVERSRequired. Comma separated list of LDAP servers.
POSTFIX_LDAP_VERSIONOptional. LDAP version. Default is 3 (which works with Active Directory).
POSTFIX_LDAP_QUERY_FILTEROptional. LDAP query filter to find user/group emails. Default is `(&(
POSTFIX_LDAP_SEARCH_BASERequired. The base DN in which to search for users/groups. eg: DC=MyDomain,DC=tld.
POSTFIX_LDAP_BIND_DNRequired. The account name to use to bind to the LDAP servers, specified in LDAP syntax, eg: CN=svc-mailrelay,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=tld.
POSTFIX_LDAP_BIND_PWRequired. The account password for the POSTFIX_LDAP_BIND_DN account.
POSTFIX_LDAP_DEBUG_LEVELOptional. If you're having problems, you can set this to 1 or higher.
OpenDKIM Configuration
Environment VariableDetail
OPENDKIM_DOMAINComma separated list of domains whose mail should be signed by this filter.
OPENDKIM_INTERNALHOSTSComma separated list of internal hosts whose mail should be signed rather than verified.
OPENDKIM_KEYFILEGives the location (within the container) of a PEM-formatted private key to be used for signing all messages.
OPENDKIM_KEYTABLEPath to a key table. You do not need to include refile:. Can be used instead of OPENDKIM_KEYFILE & OPENDKIM_SELECTOR for multiple domains.
OPENDKIM_LOGRESULTSSet to true for for logging of the results of evaluation of all signatures that were at least partly intact.
OPENDKIM_LOGWHYSet to true for very detailed logging about the logic behind the filter’s decision to either sign a message or verify it.
OPENDKIM_MODESelects operating modes. The string is a concatenation of characters that indicate which mode(s) of operation are desired. Valid modes are s (signer) and v (verifier). The default is sv except in test mode (see the opendkim(8) man page) in which case the default is v. When signing mode is enabled, one of the following combinations must also be set: (a) Domain, KeyFile, Selector, no KeyTable, no SigningTable; (b) KeyTable, SigningTable, no Domain, no KeyFile, no Selector; (c) KeyTable, SetupPolicyScript, no Domain, no KeyFile, no Selector.
OPENDKIM_SELECTORSet to the selector specified when creating the Key File.
OPENDKIM_SIGNINGTABLEPath to a signing table file. You do not need to include refile:. Can be used instead of OPENDKIM_DOMAIN for multiple domains.
OPENDKIM_SUBDOMAINSSet to true to sign subdomains of those listed by the Domain parameter as well as the actual domains.
ClamAV Configuration
Environment VariableDetail
FRESHCLAM_CHECKS_PER_DAYOptional. Number of database checks per day. Default: 12 (every two hours).
CLAMAV_MILTER_REPORT_HOSTNAMEOptional. The hostname ClamAV Milter will report in the X-Virus-Scanned header. If unset, defaults to the container's hostname.
CLAMAV_CLAMD_PHISHING_SIGNATURESOptional. Overrides ClamAV Daemon's default setting for PhishingSignatures.
CLAMAV_CLAMD_PHISHING_SCAN_URLSOptional. Overrides ClamAV Daemon's default setting for PhishingScanURLs.
CLAMAV_CLAMD_PHISHING_ALWAYS_BLOCK_SSL_MISMATCHOptional. Overrides ClamAV Daemon's default setting for PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch.
CLAMAV_CLAMD_PHISHING_ALWAYS_BLOCK_CLOAKOptional. Overrides ClamAV Daemon's default setting for PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak.
CLAMAV_CLAMD_HEURISTIC_SCAN_PRECEDENCEOptional. Overrides ClamAV Daemon's default setting for HeuristicScanPrecedence.

Configuration Files

The following files can be optionally configured.

Postfix table files

If using postfix table files, it is recommened to place all files into a single directory, and map this directory through to the container at /etc/postfix/tables.

Table File (with respect to container)FormatIf this file is present...After modifying...
/etc/postfix/tables/body_checks.pcrepcreIt is automatically added to postfix's 'body_checks'.Run helper command update_body_checks (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/client_access.cidrcidrIt is automatically added to postfix's check_client_access.Run helper command update_client_access (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/dnsbl_reply.texthashtexthashIt is automatically added to postfix's postscreen_dnsbl_reply_map.Run helper command update_dnsbl_reply (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/header_checks.pcrepcreIt is automatically added to postfix's header_checks.Run helper command update_header_checks (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/helo_access.hashhashIt is automatically added to postfix's check_helo_access.Run helper command update_helo_access (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/milter_header_checks.pcrepcreIt is automatically added to postfix's milter_header_checks.Run helper command update_milter_header_checks (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/postscreen_access.cidrcidrIt is automatically added to postfix's 'postscreen_access_list' (after permit_mynetworks).Run helper command update_postscreen_access (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/recipient_access.hashhashIt is automatically added to postfix's check_recipient_access, and the final smtpd_recipient_restrictions action becomes defer (from the default of permit).Run helper command check_recipient_access (see below)
/etc/postfix/tables/sender_access.hashhashIt is automatically added to postfix's check_sender_access.Run helper command update_sender_access (see below)
Postgrey whitelist files

For the format of this file, see the postgrey manpage.

Configuration file (with respect to container)If this file is present...After modifying...
/etc/postgrey/postgrey_whitelist_clients.localIt is merged with the regularly updated system whitelist.Run helper command update_postgrey_whitelist (see below).

The system whitelist is downloaded from https://postgrey.schweikert.ch/pub/postgrey_whitelist_clients once every 24 hours if postgrey is enabled.

Local Aliases

The format of this file is as-per the /etc/aliases file.

Configuration file (with respect to container)If this file is present...After modifying...
/etc/postfix/local_aliases/aliasesIt is merged with the system aliases file.Run helper command update_aliases (see below).

The system aliases file maps postmaster, root, postfix and clamav through to the address specified by POSTMASTER_EMAIL.


Required to be mapped
/var/spool/postfixrwRequired. Mail queue & postgrey database.
/var/lib/clamavrwClamAV anti-virus database. Map if using ClamAV.
/etc/postfix/local_aliasesrwA file named aliases can be placed in this folder. The contents of this file will be added to the container's /etc/aliases at startup. Map if

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mikenye/postfix