
By mikenye

Updated about 4 hours ago

Multi-arch tar1090 container for visualising ADSB data (amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8)




tar1090 is an excellent tool by wiedehopf that provides an improved dump1090-fa interface.

At the time of writing this README, it provides:

  • Improved adjustable history
  • Show All Tracks much faster than original with many planes
  • Multiple Maps available
  • Map can be dimmed/darkened
  • Multiple aircraft can be selected
  • Labels with the callsign can be switched on and off
  • Heatmap of aircraft positions

This image:

  • Receives Beast data from a provider such as dump1090 or readsb
  • Optionally, receives MLAT data from a provider such as mlat-client
  • Provides the tar1090 web interface
  • Provides the timelapse1090 web interface

It builds and runs on linux/amd64, linux/arm/v7 and linux/arm64 (see below).

Supported tags and respective Dockerfiles

  • latest should always contain the latest released versions of readsb, tar1090 and tar1090-db. This image is built nightly from the master branch Dockerfile for all supported architectures.
  • latest_nohealthcheck is the same as the latest version above. However, this version has the docker healthcheck removed. This is done for people running platforms (such as Nomad) that don't support manually disabling healthchecks, where healthchecks are not wanted.
  • Specific version tags are available if required, however these are not regularly updated. It is generally recommended to run latest.

Multi Architecture Support

  • linux/amd64: Built on Linux x86-64
  • linux/arm/v6: Built on Odroid HC2 running ARMv7 32-bit
  • linux/arm/v7: Built on Odroid HC2 running ARMv7 32-bit
  • linux/arm64: Built on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B running ARMv8 64-bit


You will need a source of Beast data. This could be an RPi running PiAware, the mikenye/piaware image or mikenye/readsb.

Optionally, you will need a source of MLAT data. This could be:

Up-and-Running with docker run

docker run -d \
    --name=tar1090 \
    -p 8078:80 \
    -e TZ=<TIMEZONE> \
    -e LAT=xx.xxxxx \
    -e LONG=xx.xxxxx \
    --tmpfs=/run:exec,size=64M \
    --tmpfs=/var/log \

Replacing TIMEZONE with your timezone, BEASTHOST with the IP address of a host that can provide Beast data, and MLATHOST with the IP address of a host that can provide MLAT data.

For example:

docker run -d \
    --name=tar1090 \
    -p 8078:80 \
    -e TZ=Australia/Perth \
    -e BEASTHOST=readsb \
    -e MLATHOST=adsbx \
    -e LAT=-33.33333 \
    -e LONG=111.11111 \
    --tmpfs=/run:exec,size=64M \
    --tmpfs=/var/log \

You should now be able to browse to:

Up-and-Running with docker-compose

An example docker-compose.xml file is below:

version: '2.0'



    image: mikenye/tar1090:latest
    tty: true
    container_name: tar1090
    restart: always
      - TZ=Australia/Perth
      - BEASTHOST=readsb
      - MLATHOST=adsbx
      - LAT=-33.33333
      - LONG=111.11111
      - adsbnet
      - 8078:80
      - /run:exec,size=64M
      - /var/log

You should now be able to browse to:

Note: the example above excludes MLATHOST as readsb alone cannot provide MLAT data. You'll need a feeder container for this.



This container will try to connect to the BEASTHOST on TCP port 30005 by default. This can be changed by setting the BEASTPORT environment variable.

If MLATHOST is set, this container will try to connecto the MLATHOST on TCP port 30105 by default. This can be changed to setting the MLATPORT environment variable.


This container accepts HTTP connections on TCP port 80 by default. You can change this with the container's port mapping. In the examples above, this has been changed to 8078.

Runtime Environment Variables

Container Configuration
Environment VariablePurposeDefault
BEASTHOSTRequired. IP/Hostname of a Mode-S/Beast provider (dump1090/readsb)
BEASTPORTOptional. TCP port number of Mode-S/Beast provider (dump1090/readsb)30005
LATOptional. The latitude of your antenna
LONGOptional. The longitude of your antenna
MLATHOSTOptional. IP/Hostname of an MLAT provider (mlat-client)
MLATPORTOptional. TCP port number of an MLAT provider (mlat-client)30105
TZOptional. Your local timezone in TZ-database-name format
HEYWHATSTHAT_PANORAMA_IDOptional. Your heywhatsthat.com panorama ID. See https://github.com/wiedehopf/tar1090#heywhatsthatcom-range-outline.
HTTP_ACCESS_LOGOptional. Set to true to display HTTP server access logs.false
HTTP_ERROR_LOGOptional. Set to false to hide HTTP server error logs.true
READSB_MAX_RANGEOptional. Maximum range (in nautical miles).300
ENABLE_TIMELAPSE1090Optional. Set to any value to enable timelapse1090. Once enabled, can be accessed via http://dockerhost:port/timelapse/.Unset
READSB_EXTRA_ARGSOptional, allows to specify extra parameters for readsb, for example --write-json-globe-index --write-globe-history /var/globe_history would cause traces being saved to disk and tar1090 similar to globe.adsbexchange.comUnset
S6_SERVICES_GRACETIMEOptional, set to 30000 when saving traces / globe_history3000
tar1090 Configuration

All of the variables below are optional.

tar1090 Core Configuration

Environment VariablePurposeDefault
UPDATE_TAR1090At startup update tar1090 and tar1090db to the latest versionstrue
INTERVALInterval at which the track history is saved8
HISTORY_SIZEHow many points in time are stored in the track history450
ENABLE_978Change to yes to enable UAT/978 display in tar1090no
URL_978The URL needs to point at where you would normally find the skyview978 webinterfacehttp://
GZIP_LVL1-9 are valid, lower lvl: less CPU usage, higher level: less network bandwidth used when loading the page3
PTRACKSShows the last $PTRACKS hours of traces you have seen at the ?pTracks URL8
TAR1090_FLIGHTAWARELINKSSet to any value to enable FlightAware links in the web interfacenull
TAR1090_ENABLE_AC_DBSet to true to enable extra information, such as aircraft type and registration, to be included in in aircraft.json output. Will use more memory; use caution on older Pis or similiar devices.false

tar1090config.js Configuration - Title

Environment VariablePurposeDefault
TAR1090_PAGETITLESet the tar1090 web page titletar1090
TAR1090_PLANECOUNTINTITLEShow number of aircraft in the page titlefalse
TAR1090_MESSAGERATEINTITLEShow number of messages per second in the page titlefalse

tar1090config.js Configuration - Output

Environment VariablePurposeDefault
TAR1090_DISPLAYUNITSThe DisplayUnits setting controls whether nautical (ft, NM, knots), metric (m, km, km/h) or imperial (ft, mi, mph) units are used in the plane table and in the detailed plane info. Valid values are "nautical", "metric", or "imperial".nautical

tar1090config.js Configuration - Map Settings

Environment VariablePurposeDefault
TAR1090_BINGMAPSAPIKEYProvide a Bing Maps API key to enable the Bing imagery layer. You can obtain a free key (with usage limits) at https://www.bingmapsportal.com/ (you need a "basic key").null
TAR1090_DEFAULTCENTERLATDefault center (latitude) of the map. This setting is overridden by any position information provided by dump1090/readsb. All positions are in decimal degrees.45.0
TAR1090_DEFAULTCENTERLONDefault center (longitude) of the map. This setting is overridden by any position information provided by dump1090/readsb. All positions are in decimal degrees.9.0
TAR1090_DEFAULTZOOMLVLThe google maps zoom level, 0 - 16, lower is further out.7
TAR1090_SITESHOWCenter marker. If dump1090 provides a receiver location, that location is used and these settings are ignored. Set to true to show a center marker.false
TAR1090_SITELATCenter marker. If dump1090 provides a receiver location, that location is used and these settings are ignored. Position of the marker (latitude).45.0
TAR1090_SITELONCenter marker. If dump1090 provides a receiver location, that location is used and these settings are ignored. Position of the marker (longitude).9.0
TAR1090_SITENAMEThe tooltip of the center marker.My Radar Site
TAR1090_RANGE_OUTLINE_COLORColour for the range outline.#0000DD
TAR1090_RANGE_OUTLINE_WIDTHWidth for the range outline.1.7
TAR1090_RANGE_OUTLINE_COLORED_BY_ALTITUDERange outline is coloured by altitude.false
TAR1090_RANGE_OUTLINE_DASHRange outline dashing. Syntax [L, S] where L is the pixel length of the line, and S is the pixel length of the space.Unset
TAR1090_MAPTYPE_TAR1090Which map is displayed to new visitors. Valid values for this setting are osm, esri, carto_light_all, carto_light_nolabels, carto_dark_all, carto_dark_nolabels, gibs, osm_adsbx, chartbundle_sec, chartbundle_tac, chartbundle_hel, chartbundle_enrl, chartbundle_enra, chartbundle_enrh, and only with bing key bing_aerial, bing_roads.carto_light_all
TAR1090_MAPDIMDefault map dim state, true or false.true
TAR1090_MAPDIMPERCENTAGEThe percentage amount of dimming used if the map is dimmed, 0-10.45
TAR1090_MAPCONTRASTPERCENTAGEThe percentage amount of contrast used if the map is dimmed, 0-10

tar1090config.js Configuration - Range Rings

Environment VariablePurposeDefault
TAR1090_RANGERINGSfalse to hide range ringstrue
TAR1090_RANGERINGSDISTANCESDistances to display range rings, in miles, nautical miles, or km (depending settings value 'TAR1090_DISPLAYUNITS'). Accepts a comma separated list of numbers (no spaces, no quotes).100,150,200,250
TAR1090_RANGERINGSCOLORSColours for each of the range rings specified in TAR1090_RANGERINGSDISTANCES. Accepts a comma separated list of hex colour values, each enclosed in single quotes (eg TAR1090_RANGERINGSCOLORS='#FFFFF','#00000'). No spaces.Blank
timelapse1090 Configuration
Environment VariablePurposeDefault
TIMELAPSE1090_INTERVALSnapshot interval in seconds10
TIMELAPSE1090_HISTORYTime saved in hours24


No paths need to be mapped through to persistent storage. However, if you don't want to lose your aircraft tracks/history on container restart, you can optionally map these paths:

/var/globe_historyHolds heatmap data (and traces if enabled)
/var/timelapse1090Holds data for timelapse1090 if enabled


All logs are to the container's stdout and can be viewed with docker logs [-f] container.

Getting help

Please feel free to open an issue on the project's GitHub.

I also have a Discord channel, feel free to join and converse.


See the GitHub commit log.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mikenye/tar1090